Life in the Philippines can be a test in resiliency. Earthquakes, typhoons, volcanic eruptions strike with cyclical regularity. In the time of pandemic, threat to survival has been no more pronounced for the nurses, the frontliners trapped in dire circumstances and suspended dreams.
When the devious Count Dracula uses his powers to hypnotize Turk the Thanksgiving turkey to officially cancel his big day, Turk does as commanded and announces the end of the world's tastiest holiday. Little does Dracula know Santa and his heroic elves at the North Pole are ready to step up and save the day in Turkey Day.
Once upon a time in a magical land far away, lived a little girl white as snow, and red as blood with hair as dark as ebony. Let's gather around and listen to Snow White as she narrates a collection of classic fairytales. Won't you join us for Snow White's Story Time?
Slobberstick and Mugs are back in school with their favorite K9 teacher, Professor Bones. These fact-hungry pups are ready to scarf down knowledge about some of the coolest animals in the world: the amazing animals of the forest. Take a seat and learn from the smartest dogs around, it's Dog Geniuses: Woodland Creatures.
It's Fishmas in Fishtail Reef, and Fifi and all her friends at Fish School are super excited to spend a fun-filled vacation with their families. But when a little shark named Ping goes missing after being chased away from his reef by some bullies, Fifi and Lily put their holiday plans aside to find Ping. As they search through the Reef, they hope they can bring everyone in town together to celebrate the most magical and Merry Fishmas surrounded by friendship and love.
La Paz is a happy, but noisy village. A little peace and quiet would make it just right. But there is one noisy rooster who doesn't give two mangos about this mayor's silly rules. Instead, he does what roosters were born to do - he sings.
There's just one person Mary can't scare -- her cousin, Harry McScary. He's not afraid of the usual things. But Mary doesn't give up that easily, and one way or another she'll find a way to give Harry the scare of his life!
Molly learns about Grandpa Nat’s dream to climb to the top of Denali in honor of the first person to do so, real-life Alaska Native, Walter Harper. Molly tries to get Grandpa and her father to climb North America’s highest mountain!
The Eggy Robot project aims to synthesize a robot of which artistic appearance and emergent behaviours make us feel and imagine the emergence of primeval organisms. Of all the computer animators that pursued the goal of wild, virtual exotica, none could equal the overwhelming, needlepoint visual intensity of Kawaguchi’s work. One of the world’s leading researchers into 'blobby organic modelling, he depicted a world composed of molten, shape-shifting organs without a body.
It may be the middle of summer, but Little Foot and his best pal Murray the polar bear are already eagerly planning their Christmas list. But before they can give Santa their list, the universe is threatened by none other than the Frankenstein monster. The smallest yeti this side of the Himalayas is back in Little Foot 2.
A lone trombone playing solo is joined by a trumpet in a duet until a French horn makes it a trio, and so on, as ten instruments, one by one, gather together for a joyous musical performance.