This year, Sean offers his smart home to be used for his annual vacation getaway with his college friends. Once everyone arrives and has settled in, they soon find out that they have actually been locked inside, by the home's virtual assistant, Simon. Everyone becomes terrified when they find out that the only way they can escape is by playing Simon's twisted games.
An aging convict serving out a life sentence alone on a distant planet is forced to confront his past when a new prisoner shows up and pushes him to remember his life on earth.
An insomnia drug linked to the military and its war on terror causes bizarre nightmares that are being intentionally ignored by the press. When a young security guard take a job following the woman fighting the media blackout, he is sucked into a larger conspiracy involving a plot hatched by the "1 Percent" and a weird cult from the 1900's that worshipped Dream Demons called The Others.
Redemption gives way to a reckoning when a reclusive retired priest shelters a young Amish runaway in crisis, only to reveal a mystery that ties her to a terrifying encounter from his youth— and the aurora-inducing solar storm that rages overhead.
Two sisters who tragically lose their father now attempt to bring their estranged mother back from a coma by getting into her mind by finding and using a machine a that interfaces across multiple dimensions.
On the day of his Uncle's ascendance into the Hall of Fame, Daniel is forced to embark on a journey through time that sees him restore his family's legacy and rewrite baseball history.
When humanity evacuates the planet because of the imminent collision with an asteroid, Manuel is set apart and left behind. Now he will have to survive an automated last resort mission to save the Earth. It’s the only option to reunite with his brother.
An elderly sex shop owner's attraction to a younger woman leads him to an erectile dysfunction doctor whose treatment reveals an alluring but treacherous alternate reality.
A detective is put to work on a strange case: a man who broke into the police station saying that 7 people would die there tonight and only he knew how to save them. How? That's what leaves the detective intrigued by what this mysterious intruder has to say. But little does he know that the more he investigates this story, the greater the risk he is taking.
A young student fears for her life after she finds her teacher eating a live dog on her way out of school. Despair leads the girl to seek help from The Seekers, a group of researchers considered silly who seek evidence of life beyond Earth. The urgency in the girl's request and the signs of a possible invasion make the group look for a way to stop the possible invader.
One million dollar prize money and instant celebrity are at stake but when their reality TV show is shut down, the contestants will have to deal with a world in the grip of a Pandemic.
It's the end of the world. Seeking meaning and thrills in their last days alive, Rose and Michael embark on a cross-country road trip to see Rose's grandmother as a devastating asteroid threatens to wipe out life on Earth. Along the way they encounter other lost souls, each with their own very different perspective on the impending doom.
After a baby T. rex hatches from a prehistoric egg found in a nearby cave, siblings Emma and Brian must outsmart an evil scientist who wants the dinosaur for his own nefarious purposes.
An anonymous user posting prediction videos on the country's future goes viral as they end up being right. However, things take a turn when the masked user must get the help from the detective that's hunting him down.