Gerald, the giraffe, wants nothing more than to dance. With crooked knees and thin legs, it's harder for a giraffe to dance than the other animals. Gerald is finally able to dance to his own tune when he gets some encouraging words from an unlikely friend.
When class bully Irwin taunts Violet about her fat knees (they're not) or deadly sewer gas smell (she doesn't), all she wants to do is shrink away. The thought of being in the class play about the solar system makes her itch and scratch and twirl her hair. But when she's alone or with her best friend, Opal, Violet is a master performer, mimicking her classmates and retaliating against Irwin with razor-sharp wit. Her chance for real-life revenge comes at last during the play, when she plays the offstage role of Lady Space. On opening night, when Irwin, a.k.a. Mars, starts to spin out of control and forgets his lines, Violet saves the day (but not without a little of her savage humor).
A nose for digging? Ears for seeing? Eyes that squirt blood? Explore the many amazing things animals can do with their ears, eyes, mouths, noses, feet, and tails. Based on the children's book by Robin Page.
When Duck finds out about a talent show at the county fair, he and the animals on the farm start rehearsing. While Farmer Brown tries to figure out what the animals are up to, Duck is determined they will enter the contest and win!
Every spring, butterflies emerge and dazzle the world with their vibrant beauty. But where do butterflies come from? How are they born? What do they eat--and how?
In this endearing tale of friendship, animals are helped by Bear to get ready for winter. But will they be awake long enough for him to tell his story?
Inspired by her own two children's multi-ethnic heritage, Ms. Hamanaka uses soaring text and beautiful art to celebrate the glorious diversity of children laughing, loving and glowing with life.
A mother and child plant a rainbow of colors in their flower garden. Lois Ehlert's vibrant, stylized artwork brings to life the cyclical excitement of planning, planting and picking flowers in a garden.
What do you do when your best toy disappears and no one will help you find it? Jules Feiffer's spunky little detective learns that if you keep on searching, you might just discover more than you expected!
The fascinating story of the life cycle of a flower told through the adventures of a tiny seed. Young readers will cheer at the happy outcome of this exciting tale.
Wallace, a mouse, can do almost anything, as long as he has a list. Then he meets a new neighbor, Albert, who loves music and adventure, and Wallace discovers a wonderful world that he and his lists had not anticipated.
Stanley arrives at school, all set to celebrate Crazy Hair Day, only to find out he has mixed up the date with School Picture Day. In this uplifting story of friendship and kindness, what starts out as a worst-ever experience takes a surprising turn as Stanley's best friend and his classmates concoct a creative show of solidarity.