Two rival gangs with a history of violence rule the roost in Chennai. An upright youngster, Vijay, is pulled into their never-ending power play and has to give up his hopes of becoming a police officer when he resorts to violence.
True-crime documentary series telling the story of police investigations, focused on the moment detectives realise they have cracked the case. It may be a DNA match, the moment an alibi is disproven or a dramatic interview room confession.
Kaun? Who Did It? is a unique interactive crime thriller show starring Sushant Singh and Samvedna Suwalka. It is an original series of Flipkart Video debuted on the Flipkart app on January 9, 2021.
The last time Saki left school it was to change her school uniform for prison greys, but when the Feds needed someone to infiltrate a ruthless criminal organization operating within an exclusive high school, they knew they needed the baddest bad girl of them all!
Now Saki's back on the streets for the ultimate final exam, armed with a top-secret weapon that only LOOKS like a yo-yo, and a license to use whatever force necessary to achieve her goal. Saki's lovely, lethal and ready to lay it all on the line-because if she fails this test, the next outfit she'll be wearing is a body bag!