Actor Simon Delaney explores the great stories and characters associated with the most beautiful, notorious and historical castles built across Ireland.
Bura Tamori (ブラタモリ, sometimes stylized as "BURATAMORI"))is a Japanese weekly geological TV series broadcast domestically on NHK General Television and internationally on NHK World Premium hosted by Tamori. It was launched in 2008. In the program, Tamori, accompanied by NHK's female broadcaster, strolls Japan's city or area with professional or amateur geologists, local historians or curators, and explores the place's terrain features and geological changes, as well as its history, culture and civil engineering.
This true-crime series features individuals who share their heartfelt perspectives of loved ones who fell victim to horrific and senseless acts of crime.
"It's queer, it's kinky" - the average man on the street might find lesbianism strange, but for the women interviewed in this surprisingly nuanced TV documentary, it's just an ordinary part of their lives. The women - butch, femme and everything in between - articulately discuss their lives, experiences and struggles with everyday discrimination, busting the myths that homosexuality is a disease and that gay women are doomed to loneliness.
Among the interviewees are Esme Langley (speaking outside in woolly hat and coat), founder of the Minorities Research Group, Charlotte Wolff, a psychotherapist and sexologist whose 1971 book Love Between Women offered some of the first serious research into lesbianism, and Doreen Cordell, a social worker with the Albany Trust, a charity providing counselling and support to the LGBT community.
In this eight-part documentary, Roman engineering expert Isaac Moreno Gallo takes you on a tour through the different techniques and architectural elements that gave shape and life to the Roman Empire.