Sømanden Otto (Brandenburg) har bugseret sit gode skib ”Julia” ind i Skilteskoven. Her nyder han freden og roen, alene med sin trofaste følgesvend, papegøjen Bounty (Søren Thorup), og ugentligt besøg af Landhandelens Karen-Marie (Karin Jagd), indtil borgmesterens datter ”Henry” (Amalie Ihle Alstrup) farer vild, og søger nattely på skibet… Duftforhandleren Viggo Velva (Axel Strøbye) har dog ikke tænkt sig, at Otto skal blive i granskoven. Han forsøger, på alle (lovlige og ulovlige) måder, at overtage skoven, for at kunne brænde den ned, så han kan bruge duften af afbrændt gran til sit nyeste projekt ”Jul på Dåse”. I bunden af skibet ”Julia”, det sted Otto kalder Sumpen, bor de tre nisser; Kogle, Multe og Stub (LINIE 3). De gør alt hvad der står i deres magt for at hjælpe Otto, Henry og Karen-Marie mod Velvas miljøfjendske planer
Gopal Bhar was a legendary court jester in medieval Bengal. He was in the court of Raja Krishnachandra, the famous king of Nadia in the 18th century AD. Such was the genius of Gopal that the King considered him as a Navaratna of his court. His statue can still be seen in the palace of Raja Krishnachandra. Stories about his exploits are narrated in Bengal to this day and are immortalized in countless short stories. The stories are short, beautiful, humorous and have a specific social message. Gopal Bhar is famous for stories of his wisdom, in which he outwits other fellow courtiers.
Old Petterson lives on the edge of a small village somewhere in Sweden. Together with his cat Findus and his ten white hens he always experiences wonderfully funny and exciting adventures. The stories are about friendship, travel and the crazy and loving everyday life of Pettersson and Findus.
Lord and Lady Glenarvan found a bottle in the ocean. This bottle contained a letter from Captain Grant that he and two of his sailors had survived a disaster at sea and need help. Unfortunately, the letter was damaged by water, and the latitude is known (37 degrees), but not the longitude. The Glenarvans decide to find Captain Grant.
This is the story of various characters who learn about love, courage, healing and savior in the name of ‘family’ who stand by your side in times of hardships. This drama is a beautiful love story which will comfort your exhausted soul.
Take a trip back in time to see what Christmas and the holiday season were like in America not too long ago as we reveal how many of today’s popular holiday celebrations and traditions had their start in the 1960s, 70s, 80s and 90s. With experts and cultural icons offering their own insight and personal memories, we reveal how your favorite holiday films, fads, television specials, songs and toys are still part of your holiday celebrations today.
For generations, Lassie the beautiful collie has been known and loved by viewers all over the world. Once again she enters the homes of millions of viewers as she talks for the first time in a TV adventure series for children aged 6 to 9.
Kim Young-joo is a genius with an IQ of 200 and the youngest editor of a fashion magazine. Constantly embarrassed and ashamed of her mother's developmental disability and suffocated by her affection, Young-joo leaves home and runs away to get married. But after she gives birth to her own daughter and becomes a mother herself, Young-joo begins to see her life and family differently.
After 50 years living in Hollywood, Jung Kkeut-soon returns to Korea to reconnect with her family. As family members scramble to compete over her ₩20 billion inheritance, they learn emotional growth and reconciliation.