A lonely widower decides to rent out her huge mansion. With the help of her cousin, they take care of a group of single half-Pinoys and half-Pinays, born and raised overseas.
Mélanie Maynard and an audience of young fans, hidden on the other side of a one-way mirror, can ask the guest celebrities whatever they like about their career, while asking them to perform various activities.
Battle of the Ages features two families, each made up of three generations, going head-to-head to test their knowledge of pop-culture trends and events throughout the ages. After three rounds filled with questions, challenges, and larger-than-life characters, the family with the most points has the chance to win up to $10,000!
A poor mistake of one genius mother in her science lab places a perfectly normal family in a situation where the three children must now live under one roof with two more teenagers – their PARENTS. Until they’re able to fix what went wrong, they must live together in the same house, and keep the whole thing a secret from the world. Worst of all, the parents must join their teenaged-twins’ class in high school – pretending to be their cousins.
How does it feel to go to school WITH your parents? How does it feel when the hottest boy in class falls in love with your MOTHER instead of falling for you? And how did it happen that your DAD now has more friends on FACEBOOK than you? Will the kids and parents of the Gillman family learn new things about each other, about family and perceptions, before they change back to being normal?