The series follows the hectic and exciting adventures of Oscar in a unique environment. The young penguin is setting out to explore the world, meeting new characters who teach him about himself, but also about others. He quickly discovers that it’s not the destination that matters, but rather the people you meet along the journey.
How can Oscar help a cuckoo find his own food? How can he help a chameleon get his self-confidence back? How can he teach a squirrel to fly?… Surrounded by endearing characters, our new favourite penguin will live tremendous stories, full of action, humour and emotion, conveying each time a positive message.
Meet Tama, Māia, Jojo, Buzz and their whānau Aunty Anika, Wolfy, Oma and Mōhio as they dance, sing and have fun around their whare.
Produced by Rogue Productions for TVNZ
Art Attack is an originally British children's television program, first broadcast in June 1990 on Independent Television, by Neil Buchanan. The objective of the program is to make viewers (respectively children) make art with very simple things, but which can give a good concept in terms of art. And all these "contraptions" are made from boxes to plastic bottles, varying from experience to experience. The program was shown in 32 countries, with great international success, having several versions according to these countries.
Rose and her friends are studying and having adventures at the Royal Magic Academy of Funtasia, discovering their talents while the wizard of dark mirror and his minion are trying to steal the magic of Filly world.