Luc and Theo are best friends who get stuck in a time loop where every day is Monday but they rock it like it's Saturday. Luc is a 12 year old kid always looking for fun. After a major sucky school day he makes things worse by hopping on his skateboard and crashing into Theo's garage-lab. Chemicals mix, sparks fly and 17 scientific experiments mash into one freaky mess. The results: Luc and Theo find themselves caught in an irreversible time-loop. This would be a problem if the boys weren't having so much fun! Looped is every kid's dream. Theo and Luc may be stuck in a time-loop but their options are limitless. This provides them with only one over-riding challenge: How much fun can two kids squeeze into one Monday?
Sømanden Otto (Brandenburg) har bugseret sit gode skib ”Julia” ind i Skilteskoven. Her nyder han freden og roen, alene med sin trofaste følgesvend, papegøjen Bounty (Søren Thorup), og ugentligt besøg af Landhandelens Karen-Marie (Karin Jagd), indtil borgmesterens datter ”Henry” (Amalie Ihle Alstrup) farer vild, og søger nattely på skibet… Duftforhandleren Viggo Velva (Axel Strøbye) har dog ikke tænkt sig, at Otto skal blive i granskoven. Han forsøger, på alle (lovlige og ulovlige) måder, at overtage skoven, for at kunne brænde den ned, så han kan bruge duften af afbrændt gran til sit nyeste projekt ”Jul på Dåse”. I bunden af skibet ”Julia”, det sted Otto kalder Sumpen, bor de tre nisser; Kogle, Multe og Stub (LINIE 3). De gør alt hvad der står i deres magt for at hjælpe Otto, Henry og Karen-Marie mod Velvas miljøfjendske planer
Brothers Johnny and Scotty find Sigmund, a sea monster, on the beach and bring him home to their clubhouse. They become fast friends, but when a monster hunter, Capt. Barnabas, finds out, the kids have to scramble to keep Sigmund hidden. Worse still, Sigmund's brothers Blurp and Slurp don't like humans. Against all odds, can they still have an endless summer of fun?
Kyle Lipton, who, for all his life was just like the other kids - playful, happy, and without a care in the world until one day and inter-dimensional portal opened up and dropped a pair of glowing pants onto his lap.
The Super Friends are the World's Greatest Super Heroes. They work together to stop the villains and protect the innocent, keeping the world safe. Go, Super Friends.
Dr. Fool, an explorer, reveals to the world the existence of the last koala in the forest of Rivermint, a little town in Australia. As soon as the news of the discovery is spread, Trombonetti, master of a circus, and his assistant Paolo, decide to go to Rivermint to capture the koala for their circus. At the same time, Rebeca, her grandfather and their personal hunter Iván, want to capture Mofli and make it a trophy. But Corina and Bruno will fight against all to help their dear friend of the forest.
For generations, Lassie the beautiful collie has been known and loved by viewers all over the world. Once again she enters the homes of millions of viewers as she talks for the first time in a TV adventure series for children aged 6 to 9.
Somehow overgrown dog Fík was devised by writer Rudolf Čechura and painted by painter Jiří Šalamoun. And because dogs have dreams too, Fik is also dreaming about something thrilling as well as funny. The entire series is voiced by actor Josef Dvořák. And what about is Fik dreaming? Perhaps about how he once played football, how he drove the car, how he spent Christmas and how he became captain of an ocean liner.
Balala the Fairies is a Chinese magical girl metaseries created and produced by Alpha Group.Each series focuses on a group of magical girls fighting against evil and dark forces while following their ordinary lives and personal wishes. The first installment was the live-action series of the same name, which first aired in 2008.
Christmas on the Moontop is a Norwegian christmas series. It was produced and sent on NRK in 2002 with replays in 2005, 2010 and 2014. Idea and screenplay by Gudny Ingebjørg Hagen. Christmas on the Moontop was the successor to Christmas in Blåfjell and Amalies Christmas. Directed by Torunn Calmeyer Ringen.