Liu Changyan is the son of Liu Jiuxian, the first division teacher in the capital. He has some cynicism, but his superior intelligence and his love for hugging injustice. He does not want to stick to his father's light and vows to rely solely on his own skill, The head teacher's name, known as the best teacher in the world. His father will be the daughter of an old friend, known as the first beauty of the capital of the Chu Chu promised Liu dialect, but Liu remarks on the gentle and beautiful Chu Jun not interested. And rebellious little princess rebellious do not fight, quietly started an affair. A secret leak of the court made their feelings have changed, the original small gentle is not the flesh and blood of the emperor, but the court official Oboi and the Queen's illegitimate daughter, due to the incident and involved in a number of major cases of Ao Bai, Liu weight Words adhere to their own principle of being a man, decided to track down the matter in the end, sad little gentleman who went out to be a nun.
Behind the glitzy entertainment industry lies a dark and sinister world: harsh working conditions of production sites, domineering hotshots, and the tragic fate of unpopular talents. This a suspenseful thriller about a man who works at a frontline of the entertainment industry who is entangled in a mysterious game of life and death.
Dr. Myra Johnson is transferred to the research station Antarctica III. Shortly after her arrival, she realizes that the rest of the crew – almost all of them men – has probably been living at the South Pole for a little too long and has become somewhat out of touch with the world. And there is no sign of the station chief, whom she urgently needs to find. Myra would have every reason to leave this strange place again. But she decides to stay and leaves with the ship “Northern Star” the last chance to come home again.
Due to a mysterious accident, all contact with the outside world is suddenly lost. The Antarctica III research station is completely isolated as the Arctic winter sets in. While the researchers each try to make an impression on Myra in their own individual way, no one realizes that something has been awakened by the scientific drilling in the ice that could result in the destruction of the world.
Die Vierde Kabinet revolves around corruption in the police and the Organised Crime Unit, the hated internal investigation unit of the police who set traps for and spy on other police units to try and uncover corrupt members.
The same corrupt police attempt to turn the tables by trying to find information about who is in this specialised unit.
In 1993, shortly before the first democratic election in South Africa, a group of policemen rushed to get rid of files containing information about illegal police operations.
The files were placed in filing cabinets, taken to a secret place and destroyed with explosives. But in the atmosphere of panic and disorder a cabinet - the so-called "fourth cabinet" - got lost and was forgotten.
In 1997, Bonnie Badenhorst (Vanessa Pike), a policewoman attached to the special police unit investigating corruption, discovers the cabinet. Badenhorst, whose brother died in Angola, decides to remove the cabinet and hide it without informing her colleagues.
Showcasing stories inspired from real life events, this fictionalized investigative thriller plunges viewers into the world of Dev Burman - a detective who is an enigma in himself.
Somebody founds a body of 40-year old woman in the park in Moscow. Police closes the case thinking that she died by natural causes. But her husband Sotnikov, who is a financial analytic and mathematic is sure that she was murdered. Having no legal or medical skills, he starts his own investigation and finds the proof of the murder but also he finds out that his wife had an affair.
When a flight attendant faces an unpleasant problem, she decides to avenge, but as luck would have it, her situation gets even worse when she is accused of hijacking a plane. Has she hijacked it in retaliation? Or is it just a scheme against her?
Andrey Shpagin's team is investigating the conspiracy of a large criminal syndicate for the illegal extraction and smuggling of rough diamonds. A complex criminal mechanism under the guise of a solid legal business.