In the pivotal struggle for WWII victory, the race to develop the first atomic bomb was critical to secure world dominance; now, experts reveal new evidence behind Nazi Germany's top-secret and cutting-edge development of catastrophic nuclear weapons.
A historical saga that follows the demise of the Umayyads in the East by the Abbasids in Khurasan, and the escape of Abd al-Rahman ibn Mu'awiya ibn Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik (Abd al-Rahman I) from the Abbasids. As it follows his journey till he reached Andalusia and how he came to ruling it.
The story of the teenage love of a schoolboy Robert to Milka, the girlfriend of the ataman of the Zamoskvoretsky punks. The background for this romantic line is the stories of neighbors, communal intrigues, war memories — everything that is so familiar to the post-war generation of Muscovites.
A series about the events of 1943, when, after the devastating events near Stalingrad, German troops are preparing for revenge. A Soviet landing group was thrown into the territory occupied by German troops. The combat mission of the deceased reconnaissance group was to reconnoiter the plans of the impending German counteroffensive, which was supposed to come either from Belarus or from the Kursk direction.
At the beginning of the summer of 1905, representatives of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party Krasilnikov and Elkonen turned to Captain Zhanis Trautman, a Latvian political emigrant living on the outskirts of London, with a proposal to lead a steamer with a cargo of weapons to the shores of Russia. Having recruited a team of old and tried comrades, Trautman changes the crew of an English cargo ship bought by the front men. In the course of the squabble that arose on this occasion, a sailor of the old crew, David Blake, was stabbed. The wounded Blake and the veterinarian Gruber, who accompanied the cargo of anthrax drugs, are forced to leave on board. On the high seas, weapons and explosives were loaded on board. The steamer headed for the Oresund Strait, where a messenger was to meet him.
Realtimehistory creates chronological documentaries such Rhineland 45 and 15 Days in Berlin. They are also know as the team behind the youtube hit series The great War. Now they will cover one of the pivotal wars of the 19th century in real time: the Franco-Prussian War.
The threat of dictatorship to democratic institutions is real, and it is exemplified by dictators such as Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein and Fidel Castro who find their way to power through similar methods.