A fresh examination of events between September '38 and March '39. Hitler was intent on invading Czechoslovakia, but even then the tyrant was already looking to his next goal.
Shy graduate student Dmitry Neretin goes to the front to serve as a translator. After several weeks of intense fighting, a lull begins. Battalion scouts advance to the front line and return with a prisoner — a German captain who mysteriously dies at night. Neretin finds out that the captured enemy was killed right in their location. Now Dmitry will have to figure out a traitor among his associates who did not allow the prisoner to betray the secrets of the German army.
The sudden technological civilization has shrouded the fog of war over the entire Kyushu continent, and the wonderful combination of magic and technology has become the kingly way to rule the world in the hearts of kings. However, the ancient talismans that have disappeared since ancient times, their mysterious power quietly controls the fate of the entire continent in the dark side of the dust of history.