An exciting look at some of the greatest battlefield conflicts in modern history. Using cutting-edge CGI animation and "on the ground" interviews to bring a new perspective to each battle, every episode profiles the decisive missions, heroes, and weapons, all of which played critical roles in turning the tide within historic battles.
Wildlife expert and adventurer Steve Backshall has spent his entire life getting up close to incredible animals. Now he wants to study four ‘monstrous' animals on our planet, by entering their underwater world and getting closer to them than ever before. In ‘Swimming with Monsters', Steve joins forces with behavioural experts, scientists and extreme divers in order to dive with fascinating but deadly animals.
Lurking behind every murder is the truth. But what if the people involved in the case disagree on what the truth is and what really happened? We have to determine who is trustworthy, and who isn't. We must decide which details matter and which ones don't, and whose memories seem clear and accurate. This original series interviews people with conflicting perspectives on a real murder case to reveal the true Killer In Question.
Explore humanity’s relationship with nature and wildlife, as scientists and conservationists from all over the world examine ways we can restore our planet. This documentary series asks whether newfound awareness of nature could bring about a new chapter in the human story.
Hosted by Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg, A More or Less Perfect Union features perspectives and interviews from constitutional experts of all stripes - liberal, conservative and libertarian - examining the key issues of liberty: freedom of religion and press, slavery and civil rights, the Second Amendment, separation of powers and more. Constitutional experts, citizens and in dramatic recreations, the Framers themselves--weigh in on the unique document, the rule of law, the three branches of government separated to prevent tyranny, and the debate over originalism versus a living Constitution.
An international task force led by the United States explore whether extra-terrestrials have made contact with humans. They use CIA analysis software to sift through evidence from around the world that could provide a definitive answer.
To many, the legacy of King Henry VIII begins and ends with his six wives. But remarkable though his marital history is, it is not what defines him. Just as influential were the men who surrounded him before and during his 37-year reign as King of England. Join host Dr. Tracy Borman as she reveals the story of Britain's most famous monarch and how his male advisors, ministers, family, and friends molded his views, shaped his destiny, suffered his ruthlessness, and, in the end, exploited his vulnerability.
This new Australian factual series captures the special relationship between the extraordinary animals and their passionate keepers, at one of the planet's largest and oldest zoos, spread across three stunning locations in Victoria.
Distinguished interpreters from all walks of life gather to explore and debate 12 unforgettable American poems. Athletes, poets, musicians, and citizens of all ages join host Elisa New to experience and share the power of poetry.
Footage of extreme weather and natural disasters, along with commentary from survivors, geologists, meteorologists, theologians and recovery specialists about the powerful wrath of Mother Nature.
Fuse gives you a taste of what music's hottest artists are like when they step outside of the studio and into the kitchen to prepare their favorite childhood meals.
When the Wright brothers successfully took to the sky in 1903, the world paid attention. Civil aviation has since developed into a multi-billion dollar industry. We look at the incredible history and development of civil aviation in this series. From ailed beginnings through to modern marvels such as the Boeing 787, we present 13 themed episodes suitable for all audiences.
Stories of real people who face the surreal horror of losing loved ones to vicious crimes. With every tick of the clock, detectives work to seek justice for the families, all while never forgetting the victims whose own dreams were so callously interrupted.
From the dawn of mankind, they have been here guiding us, monitoring us, perhaps helping us with our advancement, but also manipulating us to some kind of end game. No, we are not alone and never were. From the true stories of credible eyewitnesses, learn fascinating insight into the Alien Presence on Earth and what it may mean for mankind.