Where are they now? The jock, the cheerleader, the partier, the bully, the nerd and other classmates all reunite more than twenty years later in a two-week Hawaiian get-away to rekindle past relationships, rivalries and romances.
Formerly known as iconic, family-friendly interstate stops, many American motels have become places where transience and anonymity often go hand-in-hand. Murder at the Motel explores tragic murder cases set in motels and the pursuit to bring justice to the victims. The personal stories of the victims and of how the investigations unfolded are told from the perspective of family members and law enforcement officers who work tirelessly in their quest to solve these horrific crimes.
Multiplying and dividing large numbers. Simplifying fractions and converting percentages. Handling square roots and exponents. These and other skills are the veritable foundation on which all of mathematics rests. To master them is to unlock the door to more advanced areas of study—such as algebra, geometry, and calculus—and to discover new levels of confidence in dealing with the math of everyday life.
Teaming up with local chefs to craft one meal that truly represents a region, host Josh Rosen goes looking for the unique ingredients, makers, and communities that give every place its own special flavor.
Canada is the second largest country in the world and the first to recognize that the diversity of its landscapes must be protected in order to preserve them for future generations.
One radiant woman in her golden years is given a second chance at love. The men vying for her final rose have journeyed through the highs and lows of love, navigating moments of joy and heartbreak, and they arrive with anticipation, eager to foster a connection that sparks a future of limitless possibilities.
Billy juggles his music career with The Smashing Pumpkins, reviving his wrestling promotion National Wrestling Alliance, family life with his fiancée Chloe Mendel and their two kids, in a multitasking whirlwind that tests his limits.
Rick Bayless is proud to share these sensational recipes with you. This curated collection includes his all-time favorite traditional Mexican dishes, meals you can prepare on the fly, classic tacos and salsa, memorable cocktails, and more.
A cooking competition at a farmers' market puts two teams of chefs in a race to see who can create the most crowd-pleasing (and money-making) dish while under extreme time constraints.