Mireille Bouquet is a professional assassin, and a very good one at that. But when she follows up an E-mail from a young Japanese girl named Kirika Yumura, inviting her to take "a pilgrimage to the past", her life becomes even more dangerous than it already is. Now, with a haunting melody invoking the memory of an event long past, Mireille and Kirika decide to work together to find the truth about a thousand-year-old organization that has controlled both of their lives since before they were born. And the only clue in their search, the only thing Kirika remembers about herself, becomes their working codename: a name designating an ancient fate, of two maidens who reign over death—Noir.
Sharpe is a British series of television dramas starring Sean Bean as Richard Sharpe, a fictional British soldier in the Napoleonic Wars. Sharpe is the hero of a number of novels by Bernard Cornwell; most, though not all, of the episodes are based on the books. Produced by Celtic Films and Picture Palace Films for the ITV network, the series was shot mainly in Turkey and the Crimea, although some filming was also done in England, Spain and Portugal.
The series originally ran from 1993 to 1997. In 2004, as part of ITV's new set of drama, ITV announced that it intended to produce new episodes of Sharpe, in co-production with BBC America, loosely based on his time in India, with Sean Bean continuing his role as Sharpe. Sharpe's Challenge is a two-part adventure; part one premiered on ITV on 23 April 2006, with part two being shown the following night. With more gore than earlier episodes, the show was broadcast by BBC America in September 2006.
Taichi Tanaka is just an ordinary 38-year-old who enjoys video games. He starts a new virtual reality multiplayer game called One More Free Life Online, naming his character Earth. Unlike his fellow players, he decides to master the most menial of skills in the game. He cooks the finest meals, overbrews complicated potions, and hunts monsters with handmade weapons. His fantasy life begins!
Al Wayne loves farming — and we don’t mean the video game sim. He wants to be a literal farmer, but in the process of improving his agriculture skills, he somehow winds up maxing out his overall character stats! He’s superpowered in the most unexpected of ways with abilities even the strongest of heroes would envy. Alas, all he wants is an idyllic farmer's life, but with demons and monsters invading the realm, Al may have to take up the mantle of hero just to keep his dreams from withering away!
Set in Akihabara, the shopping area has been invaded by creatures known as "Synthisters" who prey on the patrons of Akihabara, feasting on their social energy and will to live. These enemies can only be stopped by direct exposure to sunlight, meaning to defeat these synthisters their clothes need to be ripped off exposing them to sunlight.
Angry Birds Toons tells how life is not always easy on Piggy Island. Red and his angry feathered companions, Chuck, Matilda, Bomb, the Blues and Terence must come together to protect their eggs - and future - of the cunning plots of Bad Piggies. Having only guides for their intelligence and determination, they absolutely must thwart the pigs' advanced technology. Nevertheless, they have a huge advantage... the incredible stupidity of the Bad Piggies! Angry Birds Toons gives life to the characters and adventures of one of the most popular games in history and presents the amusing world, and cunning of the Angry Birds and their sworn enemies, the Bad Piggies.
Jess Mastriani was a normal person who only wanted to take over her parents' restaurant in Indiana. But that changed when she was hit by lightning. After that she began seeing visions of missing people. Jess decides to use her newfound ability to be a consultant to the FBI, helping locate missing individuals. Eventually, she is hired by the bureau full-time and trained to become an agent, but her by-the-book nature sometimes clashes with the personality of her partner. Jess and her colleagues work out of the FBI's Washington, D.C., office.
Kröd Mändoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire is a British-American comedic sword and sorcery series created by Peter A. Knight, co-produced by Hat Trick Productions and Media Rights Capital for Comedy Central and BBC Two, which premiered on April 9, 2009 in the USA and on June 11 in the UK. It began airing on July 8 in Canada, on Citytv. In August 2009, it was reported that the series was canceled after Comedy Central pulled out of the production, but the BBC has retracted this claim, stating that a second series could be produced if they were able to gain a new funding partner. According to Jimmy Mulville of Hat Trick Productions, "There is a bit of misinformation going on. As far as the writers and the controller of BBC comedy and the controller of BBC2 and Matt Lucas are concerned, we are developing a second series."
Ike is a powerful magician and the leader of the Immortal Brigade, part of the Seventh Corps of the Demon Lord’s Army. He single-handedly conquers fortresses and pushes back the armies of humanity. Neither Dairokuten, the Demon Lord, nor Ike’s loyal soldiers know his darkest secret—he is a human in hiding! But can he keep his secret safe and bring peaceful coexistence to demons and humans?
Himari’s 16th birthday will be one she never forgets. Unexpectedly, she receives a will detailing her inheritance of a mysterious estate: the Momochi House. She arrives only to discover that the home was built on the cusp between the human world and the spiritual realm. There, she encounters Yukari, Ise, and a peculiar boy named Aoi, who seems to be concealing a shadowy secret.
One day, Mitsuha falls off a cliff and is transported to a medieval Europe–type world! After a near-death encounter with a pack of wolves, she then realizes that she's able to transport between two worlds—this one and her own. Taking advantage of this ability, Mitsuha decides to live in both worlds and calculates that she'll need 80,000 gold coins to be able to retire! Mitsuha now has to come up with different ways to collect her gold coins!
Japan adopts self-driving electric automobiles and renders most gas engines obsolete by 202X. The fastest cars find new life in the MFG, a racing circuit held on Japanese motorways. Drivers from around the world race for a shot at the title. Kanata Rivington returns from Britain to Japan for the MFG—and to find his father. Can he win the title and find answers? Buckle up and push it to the limit!
One hundred years ago, a grave tradition was born in a land where demons live among people: a human must be sacrificed to the King of Beasts. But when Sariphi, the 99th sacrifice, is offered to the King, she isn’t afraid at all! Intrigued by her calm and cute nature, the King decides to spare her life with plans to make her his bride.
The trials and tribulations of the Mayflower Pilgrims in the New World; men, women and children who sailed on a chartered ship for a place they had never seen.
Fishing is a hard life, and harder with bluefin stocks depleted. In Gloucester, Massachusetts, there's a special breed of fishermen. For generations they've used rod and reel to catch the elusive bluefin tuna. They depend on these fish for their livelihood, and the competition is brutal. Over the next 10 weeks, the most skilled fishermen will set out in the frigid waters of the North Atlantic in hopes of catching the valuable bluefin tuna. When one bluefin can bring in as much as $20,000—they'll do whatever it takes to hook up.
Ronja is the only daughter of Mattis, a bandit leader who lives in a castle in the middle of a large forest. When Ronja grows old enough, she ventures into the forest to interact the strange and magical creatures that live there. She learns to live in the forest through her own strength, with the occasional rescue from her parents. Ronja's life begins to change, however, when she happens upon a boy her own age named Birk.
Six months ago, Lord Hugh Disward (Huey), lost his eccentric grandfather, Wes. To inherit Wes's estate, Huey must take guardianship over the 'Mystic Archives of Dantalian' that contains forbidden knowledge and a mysterious girl called Dalian. Dalian and Huey begin an unlikely partnership as they solve mysteries caused by Phantom Books.
When the planet is threatened by Super Villains, time traveling conquerors, alien invaders, mythical monsters or mad robots bent on the total destruction of humanity, when the forces of evil are so overwhelming that no single hero has the power to save the world, when there is no hope left…the AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!
After accidentally breaking a statue of the guardian god of the Asakusa district, middle school students Kazuki, Toi and Enta are transformed into kappas -creatures from japanese folklore- by Keppi, self-proclaimed prince of the Kappa Kingdom. If they want to regain their human form, they must collect the five Dishes of Hope for him, which fulfill the wishes of whoever possesses them. To do so, they will fight against the kappa-zombies and extract their "shirikodama", the mythical organ containing humans' deepest desires. Two policemen, Reo and Mabu, are the ones behind this evil scheme, turning humans into zombies as agents of the Otter Empire, enemy of the Kappa Kingdom since ancient times. In the guise of "Kappazon, Inc.", they control society by manipulating the desires of the masses for their own goals. To succeed in their mission, the boys must be connected through the "Sarazanmai", revealing their most intimate secrets in the process...