This superb program provides a clear and factual account of the causes, course and consequences of World War II, while also assessing the contribution of particular key leaders, such as Hitler, Churchill, Roosevelt, Mussolini and Stalin.
Vikki Vines owns Gallery Auctions, the largest 'trade' (reseller's) auction in the country - probably the World. Buyers come from everywhere, bidding from the floor, by phone and online. They are dealers, decorators, collectors, and the occasional housewife, spending from $20.00 to $50,000.00. Follow her as she journeys in search of the perfect items and occasional interesting characters.
Sieg Im Westen translates to Victory in the West, served as a headline for a Nazi propaganda film. This series goes into detail of Germany's excursions against the Allies in World War II.
When the Nazis unleashed the 'Blitzkrieg', it was a kind of warfare the world had never witnessed before and immediately upended all traditional ideas of military strategy and tactics. Suddenly Europe and North Africa was reeling from this new type of combat and had to adapt quickly or suffer the consequences of Hitler's evil aims. Now, using ground-breaking graphics and state-of-the-art computer animation, as well as archival footage culled from Allied and Axis sources, the incredible initial successes of Hitler's seemingly unstoppable war machine are revealed and examined. Includes 'Hitler's Big Guns', 'Africa Korps', 'Infantry Firepower' and more!
Covers battles and topics about German general Erwin Rommel. Includes Rommel's Afrika Korps, various actions taken by Roosevelt, and the many battles that took place in Africa.
They’re sleek, sexy and oh, so seductive. Once you’ve tasted life on board one of these babies, it’s hard to go back. Exotic destinations beckon and you can easily heed their call. Private jets have put the magic back in traveling. Come soar with us on a luxurious journey to uncover the high-flying world of the jet set.
This series covers the military career of the colorful General George S. Patton, with focus on his World War II action in Africa and Europe. A look at America's readiness for WWII.
These films document the history of the development of nuclear weapons, starting with the first bomb tested at Trinity Site in southeastern New Mexico in July 1945.
Nazi war criminals are hunted down and put on trail for atrocities committed during WWII. Contains Film of the concentration camps with survivors interviewed. These films follow the rise and fall of Nazism from the Munich beer halls to the Nuremberg War Trials. Includes flashbacks of a variety of Nazi war crimes against humanity.
Includes: The Battle of the Atlantic, Pearl Harbour, Anti-Submarine Warfare, Japanese Victories and the Battle of Midway, War in the Mediterranean, Guadalcanal, The Struggle for the Solomon Islands, Mediterranean Command, The Invasion of North Africa, War in the South Atlantic, War from Murmansk to Alaska, Carrier Warfare, The New Guinea Campaign, Sicily and the Italian Campaign, D-Day, Victory in the Atlantic 1943-1945, The Battle for the Marianas, The Battle for Peleliu and Anguar, Leyte Gulf, The Liberation of the Philippines, US Submarines, The Fate of Europe, The Battle for Iwo Jima, The Road to Mandalay, Kamikaze, The Surrender of Japan and the Aftermath of War.
Long a hotbed of strife and unrest, the Middle East is the epicenter of some of the world's bloodiest and most sustained conflicts. Includes: 'Six Day War', 'The Iran-Iraq War', 'The Gulf War' and more!
Love London uncovers hidden gems, guided by an experienced London taxi driver and respected ‘Knowledge of London’ tutor, as well as a youthful Londoner seeking to learn more about her city. We'll hear from local historians and discover more about London's famous landmarks. With almost every London Street having a story behind it, there are surprising revelations along the way.
The mobility and devastating firepower of WWII tanks was key to the success of many major battles from the Eastern and Western fronts to the deserts of North Africa. Superior firepower has always been a valid strategy of war, and nothing embodies that idea more than the tank. See some of the great tanks that were used throughout military history including: the Panther, Tiger, Sherman and more.
A golden apple inscribed 'for the fairest' is sent to a feast at Olympus. Unable to decide between the goddesses Aphrodite, Hera and Athena, Zeus decides to let a mortal choose.
Take a fascinating look into the lives and cultures of 32 of the world's oldestand most legendary peoples. Isolated from the world of technology and luxury, these populations have thrived for centuries, living in harmony with the nature which surrounds them.
When American troops started their final invasion of Nazi Germany in February 1945, cameramen were at their side and complied over a thousand reels covering 12 weeks in Germany until the ultimate collapse of the Third Reich including stories on the road from the Bulge over the Remagen Bridge to the Eagle’s Nest. Michael Kloft has selected the most striking scenes for his two-part documentary.
Witness the events leading up to the Normandy Invasion, famously known as 'D-Day'. Cameramen took to the battlefield to document the genuine experience of war.