This superb program provides a clear and factual account of the causes, course and consequences of World War II, while also assessing the contribution of particular key leaders, such as Hitler, Churchill, Roosevelt, Mussolini and Stalin.
When the Nazis unleashed the 'Blitzkrieg', it was a kind of warfare the world had never witnessed before and immediately upended all traditional ideas of military strategy and tactics. Suddenly Europe and North Africa was reeling from this new type of combat and had to adapt quickly or suffer the consequences of Hitler's evil aims. Now, using ground-breaking graphics and state-of-the-art computer animation, as well as archival footage culled from Allied and Axis sources, the incredible initial successes of Hitler's seemingly unstoppable war machine are revealed and examined. Includes 'Hitler's Big Guns', 'Africa Korps', 'Infantry Firepower' and more!
When American troops started their final invasion of Nazi Germany in February 1945, cameramen were at their side and complied over a thousand reels covering 12 weeks in Germany until the ultimate collapse of the Third Reich including stories on the road from the Bulge over the Remagen Bridge to the Eagle’s Nest. Michael Kloft has selected the most striking scenes for his two-part documentary.
Mount Kologet, Goldsboro, Palomares, Thule… Four nuclear accidents, four stains on the history of the Cold War. Four names that are now forgotten. These events lay undiscovered for years having been classified as official secrets. Now published, the files show how the relentless standoff between the two superpowers spiraled out of control and led us to the brink of obliteration.
British Royal Heritage: The Royal Kingdom traces the unique relationship between the British monarchy and the country from the ancient kingdoms of Sussex, East Anglia, Kent and Wessex over a thousand years of turbulent history to the present day.
This Battlezone Series looks at the Allied Invasion of Italy in WWII including the landings at Salerno and Anzio, Battle Of Monte Cassino and Gustav Line and the fall of Rome. Also action at the Gothic line including the Japanese American 442nd Infantry Regiment.
Features some of America's Greatest Generals: General Dwight D 'Ike' Eisenhower, George S 'Old Blood and Guts' Patton, and Douglas 'Big Chief' MacArthur. Bonus Generals include George C 'Organizer Of Victory' Marshall, Henry 'Hap' Arnold, Omar 'Brad' Bradley and Joseph 'Vinegar Joe' Stilwell. Introduced and Narrated by Ronald Reagan, Walter Cronkite, Lorne Greene, Walter Matthau and Mike Wallace.
Six one hour episodes each focusing on a key individual that traces the trajectory and design of Hitler’s thousand year Reich. From the beer halls of Munich to the horrors of the Final Solution, these individuals were truly Architects Of Darkness of the Nazi Third Reich.