Get to know Shaq as he explores his passions off the court: Spending a busy summer touring the world to establish himself as a DJ; navigating his partnership with a controversial franchise; training with UFC fighters for his first-ever MMA grappling match; raising six children and expanding his legacy. It’s time for fans to meet the man behind the legend — a man with a legendary sense of humor, an enormous heart and endless determination. Shaquille O’Neal is the ultimate renaissance man.
Young comedians compete in challenges that stretch their abilities from stand-up to improv, sketch, and more! All while learning from some of the great minds of comedy.
The new tools and technology that are pushing the limits in the world's most unruly bodies of water, including an ocean miner used to extract salts that are used to manufacture plastics, multi-mission fireboats, and the world's biggest tidal turbine.
In 48 hours, teams must collaborate, solve a problem and build a physical prototype based on one of the challenges within the category. By using state of the art equipment and expert tool techs, it allows ANYONE to make their ideas into something real. Throughout the competition, teams are supported by tool technicians and industry mentors, including some of America’s most successful product inventors.
If you’ve ever sneezed while driving your car, did you immediately think, “Cars Cause the Common Cold!”? No, of course not. A headline like that wouldn’t make any sense. And yet, some of the sources we rely on for health and medical news are not much better. Many media outlets are perfectly happy to grab us with a wacky headline or an article that reflects none of the nuance of the study on which it’s based—as long as we buy the magazine or click through to the article. And we do. We take the bait. With 50,000 scientific studies published each week in English, many media outlets don’t put in the time and effort to adequately decipher and report on even a tiny fraction of those studies. But they publish news about them, anyway.
Sex and murder are often tied together in criminal investigations; and detectives uncover dirty secrets, scandalous sex affairs, online sex addictions, jealousy and stunning twisted fantasies when looking for motives for murder.
Filmed with unrivaled intimacy this unforgettable and authentic story takes an in-depth look at a remarkable cross-species bond, and the passion and dedication required to save just one lion.
Witness the rich and tumultuous history behind our nation's Shrine of Democracy in this stunning new documentary series. Chip into the history of the men whose faces are sculpted and the men who sculpted them in this 7-part chronicle containing detailed biographies and virtual tours of Rushmore and the nearby Crazy Horse Memorial. Celebrate the magnificence of this American icon with breathtaking visual storytelling surrounding the awe-inspiring Mount Rushmore.
What do your dreams mean? Do men and women differ in the nature and intensity of their sexual desires? Can apes learn sign language? Why can’t we tickle ourselves? This course tries to answer these questions and many others, providing a comprehensive overview of the scientific study of thought and behavior. It explores topics such as perception, communication, learning, memory, decision-making, religion, persuasion, love, lust, hunger, art, fiction, and dreams. We will look at how these aspects of the mind develop in children, how they differ across people, how they are wired-up in the brain, and how they break down due to illness and injury.
The twisted-but-true stories of established communities and social circles turned upside down by the presence of a single newcomer, leading to murders that slowly reveal not everyone is who they seem.
British comedian and travel enthusiast Griff Rhys Jones hops on some of Australia's most impressive long distance trains, travelling across the expansive outback and along spectacular coastlines.