Candace and Luvell are the perfect celebrity couple. But their marriage isn’t the love story that the cameras see. If they want a happy ending, they’ll have to work past the lies and manipulation to get back to what’s real.
Distinguished interpreters from all walks of life gather to explore and debate 12 unforgettable American poems. Athletes, poets, musicians, and citizens of all ages join host Elisa New to experience and share the power of poetry.
Uncover the hidden energy that is embedded in our modern way of life, revealed as the underlying force behind water, food, wealth, cities, transportation and war. Filmed around the world, the six-part documentary series takes viewers on a journey through the past, present and future of energy.
While much of the history of our country is widely available, there is another deeper history lingering in the shadows. Stories and places that have been shrouded in secrecy and hidden from public view…will once again be revealed. Each two-hour episode gives viewers secret access to some of America’s most iconic locations and organizations.
Several years ago, a successful businessman Andrei learned that one of his three daughters was not from him. He divorced his wife and obtained full custody of the children, prohibiting his ex-wife from approaching them. Everything was going well, until one day Andrei was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis: he has cancer, and he has a few months to live. He understands that girls need a mother, otherwise no one will take care of them after his death. Andrei proposes to his girlfriend, but then accidentally meets his ex-wife and understands that he still loves her.
The world has changed profoundly in the past 30 years. From the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, to now, with new walls going up in Europe and the U.S. This series explores how we went from hope to our uncertain present.
This five-part series traces the story of Asian Americans, spanning 150 years of immigration, racial politics, international relations, and cultural innovation. It is a timely, clear-eyed look at the vital role that Asian Americans have played in defining who we are as a nation. Their stories are a celebration of the grit and resilience of a people that reflects the experience of all Americans.
Get ripped, flat abs in 6 weeks with America’s toughest trainer, Jillian Michaels. Forget boring sit-ups – Jillian’s ab-shredding system will chisel the midsection with her winning combination of core-focused cardio circuits and ab-toning exercises. 6 Week Six-Pack includes two dynamic 30-minute workouts plus warm-ups and cooldowns. Start with Level 1 for three weeks, then advance to Level 2 for increased intensity and fat burn. Stick with it and see dramatic results!
In 48 hours, teams must collaborate, solve a problem and build a physical prototype based on one of the challenges within the category. By using state of the art equipment and expert tool techs, it allows ANYONE to make their ideas into something real. Throughout the competition, teams are supported by tool technicians and industry mentors, including some of America’s most successful product inventors.
If you’ve ever sneezed while driving your car, did you immediately think, “Cars Cause the Common Cold!”? No, of course not. A headline like that wouldn’t make any sense. And yet, some of the sources we rely on for health and medical news are not much better. Many media outlets are perfectly happy to grab us with a wacky headline or an article that reflects none of the nuance of the study on which it’s based—as long as we buy the magazine or click through to the article. And we do. We take the bait. With 50,000 scientific studies published each week in English, many media outlets don’t put in the time and effort to adequately decipher and report on even a tiny fraction of those studies. But they publish news about them, anyway.
Filmed with unrivaled intimacy this unforgettable and authentic story takes an in-depth look at a remarkable cross-species bond, and the passion and dedication required to save just one lion.