Motherboard is a news web series from Vice that looks at everything technology related for the average Vice fan, full of news on sound technology, internet trends, video game design and more. The show looks in depth into each topic by going to specific newsworthy events and interviewing several relevant subjects to add insight for the viewer. The series is notable for following stories that the mainstream tech media does not, forgoing showcasing the newest consumer technology in favor of niche markets and unknown innovators. Several of the episodes follow musicians who are pushing the limits of technology in music to further their craft, including RJD2 and Brian Gibson of Lightning Bolt. The stories span the entire US and beyond to find the most interesting technology related stories and highlight the men and women who are pioneers doing truly unique things with technology.
A news show hosted by Kiryu Coco in which she summarizes the events of the day before. Coco-Kaichou often pitches products as commercial breaks such as her drug AsaCoco which can be inhaled, injected or consumed as a drink. It is tradition to watch Cocos AsaCoco Live News and afterwards Tsunomaki Watames "Watame no Uta" (early morning karaoke format with viewer rock-paper-scissor).
A fresh look at news and current affairs from inside China going beyond the headlines of trade and politics to examine the challenges and triumphs, the people, the history and the ambition.
Airing from the state-of-the-art News Center in Media City, Emirates News speaks to the concerns of all communities living in the UAE, providing breaking news stories, in-depth reports, and covering relevant events from Dubai and around the world. Our dedicated team of field reporters have, their finger on the pulse of the city and on the latest issues affecting our lives.