Who knows what they're talking about? Who had about five seconds to come up with a convincing answer? Tom tries to find the truth, or at least something close to it.
Football never leaves the spectator calm, either sad or happy. Behind every simple picture that causes sadness or joy, there is always a bigger and deeper story. This program tries to reveal the hidden part of the picture and the real causes of feelings .. Why do we rejoice and why do we grieve .. Really!
A program that hosts a group of stars of the Arab world in episodes interspersed with lyrical and representative paragraphs and interesting dialogues on the most prominent social and humanitarian issues that have passed through their lives.
This anthology series reflects societal issues. With a circulating cast of famous actors, each episode presents a new story to remind us that what we put out into the world, we receive in turn.
You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (60 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.
Dominic Keating and Connor Trinneer explore and celebrate the lives that the Star Trek universe has forever changed. From former and future cast and crew members to celebrities and scientists whose personal and professional journeys have been affected by the franchise, they sit down each week and dive deep with a new friend, laughing and learning from their stories.
Presented by Amazing Facts International and Secrets Unsealed, Amazing Sanctuary is an inspiring, thought-provoking weekend series that will guide you on an extraordinary journey through an ancient temple that’s been long forgotten—but one that still has powerful secrets to reveal, not only about your future, but also your eternal salvation.
There is a famine for the Word of God! Even though more than 100 million copies of the Bible are sold yearly worldwide, few people really understand its staggering endurance, historical accuracy, dependability, and wonderful power to transform lives. According to one Barna study, only half of Americans believe the Bible was truly inspired by God—no wonder we’re seeing such a dramatic breakdown in values today!
Don’t be fooled! Believing myths can have deadly consequences. That’s why you shouldn’t miss this thrilling, eye-opening series that uncovers the outright myths and deceptions invading Christianity today—and how it is transforming and twisting the message of Jesus and the Bible.