Koffietijd! is een Nederlands livetelevisieprogramma dat van 1994 tot 2001 werd uitgezonden op RTL 4. Het dagelijkse televisiemagazine, uitgezonden tussen 10.00 en 11.00 uur 's ochtends, werd gepresenteerd door het duo Mireille Bekooij en Hans van Willigenburg. Onder het motto hoe drinkt de koffiegast zijn of haar koffie? was bekend en onbekend Nederland te gast in het veelbekeken praatprogramma.
In het seizoen 2000/2001 worden, als gevolg van een verjongingsdrift, zowel de bekende klassieke Koffietijd!-tune als Bekooij en Van Willigenburg in de rol van presentator vervangen door Sybrand Niessen en Judith de Klijn. In navolging op de verjongingsdrift vallen de kijkcijfers erg tegen en wordt er besloten te stoppen met het programma. In 2006, 2007 en 2008 zijn er wel nog eenmalige speciale afleveringen te zien om de kijkers aan te moedigen geld in te zamelen voor het goede doel.
Vanaf 5 april 2010 is Koffietijd als vanouds weer doordeweeks te zien op RTL 4. Ditmaal met in de presentatie Loretta Schrijver, Quinty Tr
From the Heart is a campaign initiative set up in 2013 by ITV to raise awareness for organ donations. The campaign took place between 11—15 February 2013. ITV shows including Daybreak, This Morning and ITV News.
Welcome to Agony Aunts, where narrator/interviewer Adam Zwar heads further down the river in his hilarious search for answers on dating, cohabitation, marriage, divorce and dating again. Will he find the answers he seeks or will he return more confused than ever? That's if he returns at all.
Susana Giménez, often shortened to SG, is an Argentine television talk show that has run nationally since 1987. Owned and hosted by its namesake, Susana Giménez, it remains one of the highest-rated TV shows in Argentine television history. Due to the popularity of the show, Giménez is usually compared to Oprah Winfrey.
The TV show is one of the most successful in Latin America.
The TV show is the only one in Latin America to receive dozens of international stars of Hollywood and Europe.
Inspired by Pronto, Rafaella, hosted by Rafaella Carrá, the show was originally called Hola Susana and then Hola Susana, te estamos llamando. It has combined interviews, sketch comedy, games and live musical performances. Giménez has received national and international stars in what is known as her "living". In 1998 the show entered Guinness World Records because of all the letters Giménez received in her show, 32 million in total. Furthermore, during the first years of the show, telephon
Bethenny is a syndicated American celebrity/lifestyle talk show that is hosted by reality television personality, author, entrepreneur, and natural foods chef Bethenny Frankel, who also serves as co-producer and creator with Ellen DeGeneres. The series debuted as a summer test run on June 11, 2012, on six stations owned by Fox Television Stations, and premiered nationwide across the United States and Canada starting on September 9, 2013.
Talk of the Town was a short lived comedy and talk show performed at the Imperial Palace Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1982 and aired on cable television. Directed by Doug Raymond and hosted by comedienne Jaye P. Morgan, Talk of the Town was primarily a talk-show in which some guests performed short stand-up comedy routines before joining a panel. Other guests simply joined the panel for discussion of their personal lives and careers. Discussion often included sexually oriented jokes, insults and gossip with Morgan and her co-host comedian Jack Cooper.
Morgan often emphasized the unscripted and adult nature of the show. In the first of the video episodes she introduces the show as Talk of the Town as "The most adult show on television. It's going to shock you, turn you on, turn you off, but it will make you think and see and experience. You will see things on this show that will surprise you, shock you, so kick back, brush away those conservative cobwebs..."
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