Chef Ainsley Harriott is back on our screens to delight us with the family favourites we've forgotten mean so much. Anchored by Ainsley in the studio, the series features breakfast, lunch and dinner suggestions, as well as snacks and sweet treats. It could be a dish we don't see much of anymore, or one that is frequently on dining tables up and down the land: it's just waiting for the Ainsley twist! Additionally, Ainsley will reach out to his top chef mates across the country, who will be creating delicious meals in their own kitchens. Plus, Ainsley is joined by guests who will reminisce about their favourite meals and foodie treats, talk about what food means to them, and share a recipe that Ainsley will cook in the studio with them.
Visionary Florist and Host Maurice Harris interviews creatives about their process. As they open up about their journey, Maurice uses his incredible flower design skills to create a beautiful centerpiece that reflects their conversation.
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley gets up close and personal with today's biggest beauty icons including Kylie Jenner, Huda Kattan and more to hear their stories, inspirations, and learn what it takes to build a beauty empire.
Fuse gives you a taste of what music's hottest artists are like when they step outside of the studio and into the kitchen to prepare their favorite childhood meals.
Zhang Tianliang and Zheng Weilong have been close friends since secondary school. Both of them often get themselves into trouble, and ended up being suspended from school. They were forced to be loanshark runners due to the debt Weilong owed, little did they know in the process, they indirectly caused the death of one of the debtor’s wife, Wan An’s mother, thus causing Wan An to bear a grudge against loanshark runners. Tianliang injured someone while helping Wen Shuying and was sentenced to jail. He turned over a new leaf after this incident and became a lawyer upon his release. 张天亮和郑伟龙从中学起就是好友,两人经常打架闹事,被学校开除。因伟龙欠下大耳窿的钱,两人被迫当上跑腿,间接害死了一名欠债人的妻子,也就是婉安的母亲,但天亮却毫不知情,婉安因此对大耳窿跑腿深恶痛绝。天亮为帮一女子温书莹,犯下严重伤人罪,被判坐牢。出狱后他重新做人,当上律师。
When the Wright brothers successfully took to the sky in 1903, the world paid attention. Civil aviation has since developed into a multi-billion dollar industry. We look at the incredible history and development of civil aviation in this series. From ailed beginnings through to modern marvels such as the Boeing 787, we present 13 themed episodes suitable for all audiences.
A young man from Myanmar who loves Japanese comics gets an opportunity to study them in Japan. He gets surprised at expensive house rent in Japan but finally finds an apartment with very cheap rent. However, it turns out that a female ghost lives in his room. He cannot give up the cheap rent and determines to share the room with the ghost. This is a story of his life in Japan surrounded by the ghost and other unique characters having various issues.
Run by a cast of animal characters including Comet, Halley, Sputnik, Radar, Jet and Sal the Octopus, the Astroblast! Space Station is the coolest hangout in the galaxy. Through the crew's friendship, the series imparts important messages about how to embrace differences, model positive relationships and foster healthy habits to be the best good-will ambassadors in the universe.
From the dawn of mankind, they have been here guiding us, monitoring us, perhaps helping us with our advancement, but also manipulating us to some kind of end game. No, we are not alone and never were. From the true stories of credible eyewitnesses, learn fascinating insight into the Alien Presence on Earth and what it may mean for mankind.
Certified Sexologist Shan Boodram, the most sought-after sex educator on the internet, shows you how to navigate sex, dating and relationships today—when the rules of love and attraction are confusing and fluid.
Every day, across the UK, from Highland mountains to Lakeland fells and the Cornish coast, search and rescue heroes put their lives on the line to keep us safe
Self-styled “perfect” couples put their relationships to the test on a romantic getaway in the sun, without realizing that their families are the ones testing them. After two days the family members must come clean and share what they now really think of the couple but not before making them watch back every last embarrassing detail of their holiday romance.