In January 1991, following Operation Desert Shield, Operation Desert Storm was launched against Iraqi ground forces to liberate Kuwait. General Schwarzkopf, who commanded American-led coalition forces crushed Iraqi defense positions with various military technologies using a modern blitzkrieg strategy that routed Saddam Hussein's Iraqi Army. The results were the biggest tank battles since WWII.
Join Tom Gates in his brilliant world. Meet Tom's friends and family, sing to some epic songs, play along with fantastic games. Also, watch Liz Pichon, the author and illustrator of the Tom Gates books, show you how to doodle.
These special compilation episodes of "Ancient Aliens" explore the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years.
Denis has a best friend, a cat named Sir Meows A Lot. Unbeknownst to Denis, however, Sir Meows A Lot is a genius with questionable morals - not quite evil, but not exactly nice. However, Sir Meows A Lot has a nemesis: Cucumbers!
Welcome to Milo's Monster School Vlog, where six-year-old Milo Eugene Montague Monster tells you all the neat stuff he learned in monster school! Join Milo as he learns about dinosaurs, eating the rainbow, colors and more!
From Super Simple, Finley is a curious little fellow with an amazing factory where all kinds of vehicles are assembled. Cars, trucks, tractors, boats, them all get put together by the magical robotic arms in Finley's Factory. Can you guess what is going to be built next? Even Finley doesn't know! Kids who love things that go "vroom" will love Finley's Factory.
From the makers of Super Simple Songs, Paper Puppet Playhouse is all of your favorite nursery rhymes, fairy tales, bedtime stories, and fables, told with an engaging paper cutout style of animation.
Tobee is an adorable little puppet with a curious mind and an infectious laugh. He loves to learn new songs from his friend Caitie. They dance a lot. They laugh a lot. And they learn a lot! Follow along as Caitie teaches Tobee and the audience at home the words and gestures to classic nursery rhymes and original kids’ songs from Super Simple Songs!
The Bumble Nums are back with all new adventures! Join Humble, Stumble and Grumble as they bounce, climb, fly, and stretch their way to finding the secret ingredient in the day's special recipe. Once they make it to their kitchen with the ingredient intact, it's time to make the dish of the day during the exciting Cooking Countdown! Find out what's in their cookbook today!
Former NFL teammates Michael Griffin and Brian Orakpo are joined by their longtime friend, Bryan Hynson, in opening a franchise of Gigi's Cupcakes in Austin, Texas.
Cult Justice explores the magnetic power of criminal cult leaders—and the dramatic investigations that finally brought them to justice. Through the lens of the criminal justice system, every episode takes viewers deep inside a different modern-day cult. And—from sex trafficking and forced labour, to extortion, polygamy, and even murder—introduces the journalists, law enforcement agents, and prosecutors who gradually built the case against them. Meanwhile, brave survivors share first-hand accounts of how they were born or lured into the fold by twisted ideologies and false promises—and how they ultimately helped bring down these false prophets who thought they were above the law.
RCH is all about our city heroes - policemen, firefighters, ambulance crew and even a garbage truck. In this cartoon you will meet Sergeant Cooper the Police Car who will take you around the city to make sure everything is okay. With Sergeant Cooper you will pull over a speeding car, help a car with a bent wheel and at the end catch a bad guy!