The boy Javi has moved with his family to a house with a garden, and that same night he sees light in the tree that overlooks his window; he investigates, climbing a branch, and thus meets a group of funny and curious animals that come together to chat every night about natural sciences.
Join little Lola as she has fun exploring the farm, meeting and learning about its animals. The cheerful animals are always happy to help Lola explore animal sounds, different foods, farm vehicles, habitats, and more.
A recap of the Shuffle world, set ten years in the future. Gods, Demons, and Humans freely visit the other worlds as if traveling overseas, and romance is in the air. Demons, Gods, And Humans together have been falling in love and creating new families, breaking down the wall that once seperated them. Past memories are visited by Rin Tsuchimi and the events that occured between him and Lisianthus, Nerine, Kaede, Asa, and Primula.
Gifted with their ancestors' virtues, the heroes featured in these adventures are these characters: Hercules and his friendly dog Cerberus, Hua Mulan and the friendly eagle Tylli, the Ninja Turtle Dragon, Ulysses--assisted by a Ram and Bear, King David and the cheetah Betsy, the Thief of Baghdad--aided and abetted by his cave lion Yubba, Jerome and the friendly cave cougar Bloody Knife with the buffalo Wapi, the protective Blue Yeti, and two little dinosaurs named Knock and Hit.
An action-adventure comedy that follows the adventures of feisty and resourceful 10-year-old Molly Mabray, an Alaska Native girl, her dog Suki, and friends Tooey and Trini on their adventures in epically beautiful Alaska.
What would it be to be just 15 cm tall?... The answer is in each episode of The Tiniest Man, a formal and serious guy that is only a bit taller than the height of a shoe, that lives in the real world, in a real size house, using mostly normal size objects, ignoring its real condition. Along 53 episodes x 1 minute, The Tiniest Man faces daily tasks, like taking a bus, drinking coffee, going to the cinema, or planning holidays. Of course, everything becomes a big adventure to him. He will deal to solve his scale issues in very unusual ways, stressing the comedy and the wit of the series.
Wolverine and Sabretooth have been locked in an endless grudge match that goes back longer than either can remember: or even imagine. The key to victory is eons old, and it’s certain to rock their world. It’s the epic conclusion to the duo’s greatest battle!