Three animal storytellers called Krish, Trish and Baltiboy tell the story of India's fierce struggle for freedom through great moments of courage and sacrifice.
Kaddy is a young girl from an ancient necromancer lineage who is expected to become the next Supreme Leader of the Necromancer Kingdom. When her apparent hopelessness for the dark arts brands her a disappointment, she decides to prove her worth by setting out on a conquering spree in the Highlands together with her faithful sidekick Fido, a street-performing werewolf.
The story revolves around the "cakeverse," in which people are categorized as "forks" and "cakes." Tatsunari is a "fork," who has lost his taste for people, except for "cakes." Naruya is a "cake," who is specifically scrumptious for "forks."
Denis has a best friend, a cat named Sir Meows A Lot. Unbeknownst to Denis, however, Sir Meows A Lot is a genius with questionable morals - not quite evil, but not exactly nice. However, Sir Meows A Lot has a nemesis: Cucumbers!
Ugo, the Spirit of Flipnote, appeared out of Mome Kugou's new 3DS claiming that she could become a god-tier artist if she joined the Flipnote Warriors. Mome agreed, but she still hasn't had any good experiences yet and begins to doubt if she'll really become a good artist this way.
Sylvanian Families is a syndicated animated series based on the Sylvanian Families merchandising franchise developed by Epoch. The series was produced in the United States by DIC Animation City with the animation being produced in Japan. It was first broadcast in 1987 on Syndication, with reruns on The CBN Family Channel in the late 1980s and PAX TV during the late 1990s.
Welcome to How to Squoosh?, the "live" TV show that squooshes, crushes and flattens monsters and everything that scares kids, big and small. Witches, ogres, ghosts and hairy monsters of all kinds better hold on if they don’t want to end up flatter than a pancake.