Frans Van As does all his life a firm in demolition, but other times does not realize that other rules questions. He must be forced to retire, but sees none of his sons are able to take over the family business. Eventually put French still step aside and come Eddy, actually the least skilled son, in the lead. He wants to immediately implement a number of profound changes, but that is easier said than done.
Petros and Orestis are twin brothers. Orestis was put up for adoption when he was just a baby and was raised by rich parents. One day, Petros witnesses an accident which involves Orestis. Realizing they are identical and taking advantage of the fact that Orestis suffers from amnesia, Petros steals Orestis's life.
A Kisváros egy színes, 195 részes magyar akciófilm-sorozat, ami 1993–2001 között futott a Magyar Televízióban. A történet középpontjában egy, a valóságban nem létező határmenti kisváros, Végvár áll. Ebbe a városba érkezik Hunyadi főtörzs, hogy a Határőrség akciószázadát kiképezze. A sorozat a rendőrség és a határőrség határmenti bűncselekmények ügyében való nyomozások terén történő együttműködését mutatja be, minden epizód egy-egy önálló történet, a kiemelt főszereplőkké később Járai rendőr őrnagy és beosztottja, Balogh Máté zászlós válnak.
A sorozat jeleneteinek jelentős részé
A late-'70s attempt to revive the classic comedy show, minus (among others) original hosts Rowan and Martin. It didn't fare well, but is noteworthy for one of its bit players: a then-unknown Robin Williams. He would soon become a star with `Mork & Mindy.'
An inheritance of millions brings the fun-loving Charlô (Irene Raveche) and her bad-tempered cousin Otávio (Tony Ramos) closer than they ever expected. The inheritance, which includes a mansion and a chain of clothing stores, stipulates that the assets remain in the family. And since no one is willing to give up their part they decide to share the mansion and the business, despite the mortal hatred they harbor for each other. Charlô’s adopted son Felipe (Edson Celulari) also becomes caught up in the situation. However, he turns against his mother and becomes Otávio’s right-hand man at the company.
Hotel CEO Xiang Tian Qi loses his memory after sabotage on his engagement day and is rescued by spirited country girl Liu Xiao Bei. As he starts a new life with her, his fiancée Mu Zhi Qing leans on a supportive admirer. Torn between his past and present, will Tian Qi reclaim his old life or embrace a new one?