The seven episodes explore North America: where civilization collides with untamed wilderness. Just feet beyond our own backyards rages a spectacle we never see. Join us as we step into this hidden world teaming with life - across impossible mountains and endless deserts. Dive into unexplored forests and crash into rugged coasts. This vast continent offers boundless rewards for those brave enough to take on this land - and call her home.
Sex: How To Do Everything is Channel 5's ten-part series featuring renowned sexperts Em & Lo. Each episode is full of information, interviews and how-to demonstrations from various models illustrating a variety of different techniques, from the ordinary to the super-scandalous. The series is designed to get you having better sex and more of it.
Nigel Spivey reveals how the images which surround us today come from the ancient world. It's an epic journey spanning five continents and a hundred thousand years of history.
The Lost World of Communism is a three-part British documentary series which examines the legacy of Communism twenty years on from the fall of the Berlin Wall. Produced by Peter Molloy and Lucy Hetherington, the series takes a retrospective look at life behind the Iron Curtain between 1945 and 1989, focusing on three countries in the Eastern Bloc - East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Romania. Through film and television footage and the personal recollections of those who lived in these countries, the series offers a glimpse of what daily life was like during the years of Communist rule.
The Lost World of Communism debuted on BBC Two on Saturday 14 March 2009 at 9:00pm. There is also a book which accompanies the series.
Dogs 101 is a show that airs on the American cable TV channel Animal Planet. Dog trainers and breeding experts explored the advantages and disadvantages of various breeds of dogs.
Manswers is a late night comedy series that premiered on Spike on September 19, 2007.
The series is produced by reality television production company, SuperDelicious, and airs on Spike. The executive producers are Adam Cohen, Cara Tapper, Joanna Vernetti, Akifumi Takuma and Michael Schelp. The show garnered an average of 1.1 million viewers during its first year among a specific target audience.
The first season consisted of 9 half-hour episodes. The second season continued to show 13 episodes of similar material.
MANswers is a satire aimed at predominately male audiences with a wide age range, primarily 18–40. Questions of a comical nature are asked and answered which usually relate to women and tips on how to get them to date you, sex-related questions and trivia, and defense mechanisms in deadly & harmful situations, and also firearms. Specialists with Masters and PhD degrees are brought in and give information from which the viewer can learn.
MANswers US TV rating varies from episode to episode. It ca
An exclusive, in-depth look into the events that led up to 9/11 by tracing the timeline from al Qaeda's earliest origins through the aftermath of 9/11 and the ongoing investigation.
Teenagers, the internationally-recognized characters of the series, will be the heroes of adventures in which they will play an active role. They will be a force for change, faced with situations and problems they need to resolve. The series will be based on facts, yet still primarily entertainment. Through their actions, they directly affect their planet and the resources that must be used responsibly and are not inexhaustible. The series will also help younger audiences to understand that pollution, hunger and water shortages are realities with specific causes – rather than inevitable evils to be dreaded, they are battles to be won with solutions to be found.
Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World is a thirteen part British television series looking at unexplained phenomena from around the world. It was produced by Yorkshire Television for the ITV network and first broadcast in September 1980.
Each program is introduced and book-ended by science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke in short sequences filmed in Sri Lanka. The bulk of the episodes are narrated by Gordon Honeycombe. The series was produced by John Fanshawe, John Fairley and directed by Peter Jones, Michael Weigall and Charles Flynn. It also featured a unique soundtrack composed by British artist Alan Hawkshaw.
In 1981, Book Club Associates published a hardcover book with the same name, authored by Fairley and Welfare, where the contents of the show were further explored. It featured an introduction written by Clarke as well as his remarks at the end of each chapter or topic. In 1985, a paperback of this book was released by HarperCollins Publishers.
The series was followed by Arthur C. Clarke's World of Strange
Tomorrow's World was a long-running BBC television series on new developments in science and technology. First transmitted on 7 July 1965 on BBC1, it ran for 38 years until it was cancelled at the beginning of 2003.
To Catch a Predator is an American reality television series that features hidden camera investigations by the television newsmagazine program Dateline NBC. It was devoted to impersonating underage people and detaining male adults who contacted them over the Internet for sexual liaisons. People were lured to meet with a decoy under the pretense of sexual contact and then confronted. Show host Chris Hansen clarified in an interview with NPR News that these subjects should be labeled as potential sexual predators, and not pedophiles. "Pedophiles have a very specific definition, people who are interested in prepubescent sex," he stated.
The series premiered in November 2004, and featured 12 investigations in total held across the United States. The investigations were conducted as undercover sting operations with the help of on-line watchdog group Perverted-Justice. Since the third installment, law enforcement and other officials were also involved, leading to the arrests of most individuals caught. No new episodes h
Derren Brown at his most devilish. He has persuaded members of the public to sign a Faustian pact with him and participate in a macabre game of Trick or Treat.
Zero Hour dramatizes the hour leading up to some of the most memorable historical events as they unfold minute by minute. Using a real-time clock and a split screen to follow key players, the series reveals the compelling and exciting minutes leading up to events that changed the world.