May 1945: With the end of the war and the surrender of the Third Reich, the world discovered the full horror of a genocidal system on a scale never before seen in the history of humanity. The elimination of millions of individuals had been meticulously planned by a regime whose organization and methods were just beginning to be understood.
Richard Feynman, theoretical physicist, enjoys thinking aloud about the adventures science can offer.
Back in 1983, the BBC aired Fun to Imagine, a television series hosted by Richard Feynman that used physics to explain how the everyday world works – “why rubber bands are stretchy, why tennis balls can’t bounce forever, and what you’re really seeing when you look in the mirror.” In case you’re not familiar with him, Feynman was a Nobel prize-winning physicist who had a gift for many things, including popularizing science and particularly physics.
Numbers brings to life the genius mathematicians who discovered new theories and frontiers in math in a way that have never been seen before to show the beauty of math. Departing from the likes of "serious" documentaries, Numbers will unravel the mysteries of numbers like a sleuth following strands of clues to make math fun and approachable.
True crime series which re-examines one of the most infamous crimes in recent U.S. history – the 1986 killing of Jennifer Levin at the hands of Robert Chambers.
Myths die hard, and the history of the 20th century is no exception to this rule. Even today, we hold popular beliefs that we take for Evangelical truths. Thus, we believe that Hiroshima caused Japan to surrender, that the Marshall Plan saved Europe, that Adolf Hitler was a military genius, or that Mao Zedong was a necessary evil for China’s modernization. Of course, these judgements contain some truth; but, too broad-stroked to be accurate, they contradict the historical reality by denying its complexity. What if the truth was slightly different? Through an exploration of great national or international myths, this full archive documentary collection revisits the key moments of the 20th century with a new perspective in order to provide a new, smarter and more subtle interpretation, bringing elements to light that have been forgotten or sometimes overshadowed.
In the 1970s, Detroit was experiencing an economic boom, but the idyllic suburban life ended abruptly when four children were abducted and killed by the Oakland County Child Killer in the dead of winter. Follow writer J. Rueben Appelman, Detective Cory Williams, and families of the victims in their mission to unravel one of America’s most baffling crimes.
Stories of murder investigations that gradually exposed one truth after another, revealing the sinister underbelly beneath seemingly placid communities.
The jail in the Philippines made famous for a viral Michael Jackson dance video comes under the management of an ex-convict which causes some controversy
Yellowstone challenges every animal that lives in this Rocky Mountain wilderness; in summer it pitches them into battle against one another for food, territories and mates, in winter it forces them into a struggle for survival.
irected by François Pomès, this two-part documentary chronicles the epic adventure of the Apollo space program, which included both tragic setbacks and historic successes. The first phase takes place against a backdrop of the Cold War, from the disaster of the Apollo 1 mission to the triumph of the Apollo 8 mission. The last stage culminates with the Apollo 11 space flight which landed American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the Moon. With full-color archival images and 3D reenactments of the mission's key stages, this immersive account details the journey of the men and women who contributed to the celebrated Apollo 11 mission.
Although the pavilions operating under the name of casinos, taverns and entertainment centers meet approximately 80% of the Ankara entertainment sector and feed the provincial economy remarkably, they are not widely accepted as legitimate and acceptable by the dramatic sayings created by the legendary cliches. The pavilion culture, which is accepted as "taboo" by a section of the country, is discussed in detail in the Pavyon series.
The historian explores the land that inspired her passion for the past by embarking upon a 900-mile journey along the river Nile and examining how it shaped ancient Egypt.