Told through the eyes of Elizabeth Smart, America’s most renowned survivor who overcame her own abduction at 14, each episode provides behind-the-scenes information of crimes & features breakthroughs as Elizabeth actively helps place victims on their journey to healing.
Unplanned America is the show about three Australians who throw away the itinerary and find themselves in the most weird, wonderful, intimidating and inspiring societies that the land of the free has to offer.
Explores the Third Reich from a contemporary perspective to investigate how the Nazis managed to conquer Germany and then half of Europe in the wake of World War I.
The Baltics are rich in superlatives: a fifth of the world's spotted eagle stocks breed here. One of the largest courtship arenas for snipes is located here in the floodplains of Latvia. More than 1000 wolves go on the hunt in Latvia's forests. Lithuania is the land of storks - with over 13.000 pairs, no other region in the Baltic States has more white storks.
This 2-part documentary series reveals the truth about King Edward VIII's affair with American divorcée Wallis Simpson, and the espionage operation that accompanied the investigation.