هو مسلسل عرائس مصري من تأليف وإخراج الراحل رحمي، كان له تأثير كبير في ثقافة الطفل المصري والعربي وقد حاز المسلسل علي متابعة الصغار والكبار، حيث ارتبط بوجدان الطفل لسنوات طويلة في ليالى شهر رمضان، حيث كان له الفضل في ارتباط الطفل المصري بعروسة مصرية خالصة من البيئة المصرية الاصيلة مما كان له أكبر الاثر في مواجهة الثقافات الغربية. صور مسلسل بوجي وطمطم في ثمانيات القرن العشرين حيث كان أول إنتاج له مسلسل عن السلوكيات وكان ذلك في عام 1983 وتوالت الاجزاء بعد ذلك (حوالي 18 جزء)..ومنها:
بوجي وطمطم في رمضان
الفيل الجميل
محطة فلافيلو
حكايات مع بوجي وطمطم
الفانوس السحرى
Danish singer and songwriter gather 5 children who all dreams of being in a band. In just less than 2 months they have to form a band and be ready to play a large festival.
Noa is a teenaged- singer, actress and model who navigates the equally complicated worlds of high school and celebrity. With an ex-best friend thinking fame has changed her, a manager who controls her every career move, and anonymous internet blogger Kitty Popper who writes scathing posts about her- Noa is forced to deal with confrontations on all fronts. But what no one knows is that Noa is actually Kitty Popper - she criticizes herself under a pseudonym to pressure her manager to take her career in the direction that she wants it to go. But when an actual stalker threatens Noa – she and her friends are forced into action.
A seven-minute interactive live game show in which players age 6+ test their knowledge of Disney stories and characters. Players watch the game on Disney Channel and play along via DisneyNOW on their computer, mobile device or tablet.
A show for young people in our community whose voices, stories and perspectives aren't often seen or heard. We hear from kids with same-sex parents, refugees, young people who experience a disability, and more.
The adventures of two young Irish sisters who spend their holidays and weekends with their parents at the family’s mobile home in a caravan park by the sea.