A girl is waiting in hotel room. She's sending out messages, never getting an answer. She is reading headlines in the papers. She touches herself. An angel is looking for her and giving her what she expected.
In the year 1985, the young Jei Lon begins his crusade to avenge his father, who died at the hands of a mysterious assassin. In his quest, Jei Lon meets Gu Fu, a master in the ancient Dragon Techniques willing to train him in these mystical martial arts. But as the adventure goes on, Jei Lon discovers the true mystery of his life.
In a war-torn land of man vs. robot, a young runaway slave searching for his father must ally with a broken and battle-scarred war-robot or be hunted down by his brutal overseers.
Zombillenium, the Halloween theme park, happens to be the one place on earth where real monsters can hide in plain sight. When Hector, a human, threatens to disclose the true identity of his employees, the Vampire Park Manager has no other choice but to hire him. To see his daughter, Hector must escape from his zombie and werewolf co-workers.
A young woman meets with her best friend in a local diner to tell him about the fantasy she recently accomplished. But when a mysterious man enters, she is struck by a feeling of deja vu.
A small boy is sent away from his village. He is to be trained as a samurai warrior and return to fight the evil shapeshifter, Aku, who has wreaked havoc throughout the village. His skills honed, the warrior attempts a return to his home, but winds up in a future time landscape. Here, the locals call the stranger, a sort of Dirty Harry kung fu loner, "Jack" and assist him in his path homeward. This is the original feature length presentation that kicked off the SAMURAI JACK phenomenon on the Cartoon Network.
Actor Daniel Abreu goes through a crisis in life. He wanders off into the woods after he almost looses his wife and child. In a drug-fueled tantrum he starts questioning his choices, and eventually comes face to face with his inner demons.
In this re-telling of Iliad, set in 1174 B.C. after ten years of fighting in the Trojan War, the Greek warrior Odysseus decides to travel for home, but instead finds a string of mis-adventures over the sea and land as he, along with a captive Trojan warrior named Circe as well as a group of loyal Greek soldiers, venture on the sea and land to get home to the island kingdom of Icarus and fighting sea sirens, and other mystical creatures to get home to his wife Penelope who is being hounded by a group of suitors hoping she will chose to make one of them their bride.
In a world, where every living creature can defy gravity and fly at will, being stuck on the ground is no fun. If all you can manage is to trudge along, loneliness, depression and despair come knocking on your door. Letting them come in is an option. Finding the courage to soar is priceless.