After twenty years surviving refugee camps in Nepal, the Kingdom of Bhutan's forgotten exiles abandon hopes of returning to their lost land and seek a new life in a place called America.
History's only scientifically verified encounter with alien life is revealed in this expose of the Billy Meier case. Corroborated by Wikileaks and celebrated by the Huffington Post, the film shows how Meier's long-foretold prophecies of war and ecological disaster have now begun.
1.5 Stay Alive is part music video and part factual. In it, popular Caribbean musicians express their experiences with hurricanes, tropical storms and rising seas by composing and performing songs about climate change. Intertwined are insights by experts about effects of a 1.5 degree temperature increase . The film visits Belize, Costa Rica, Trinidad Tobago, Haiti, Honduras, Miami and Louisiana
Marijuana as a cancer fighting drug? Science says yes, federal law says no. Patricia Crone is caught in the life-and-death stand-off. Patricia Crone, a professor of Islamic history at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, was diagnosed with lung cancer in November 2011, when the cancer had already spread to her brain. She was busy preparing for the end when she saw that the National Cancer Institute described some of the chemicals in marijuana, or cannabis, as having cancer-fighting potential. With only grim prospects for the future, she wanted to try it.
So Patricia, who had never had as much as a puff of pot, started a hunt for marijuana, and for credible evidence of its medicinal potential.
It is August 1951 and an entire French village goes crazy. People are screaming in the streets and throwing themselves out of windows. 300 people are affected and 7 end up dead. Wild theories start circulating to explain the tragedy. 60 years later declassified documents from the United States reveal that the CIA conducted experiments on unsuspecting citizens.
Get as up close and personal with sharks as you could ever dream. As a two-time Emmy Award winning, wildlife cinematographer and on-air talent for Discovery Channel's Shark Week, Andy Brandy Casagrande is helping revolutionize the way the world sees the ocean's top predators.
Nothing like watching a dragonfly hatch, or a mother hedgehog with her hoglets to get you back to nature. Take a deep slow breath and observe the seasons changing across European gardens and forests, with all the tiny beauties that thrive in the world of ponds, trees, and small plots of land.
Built on archive footage – much of it previously unseen – this film reveals one of the most unexpected legacies of the First World War -- popular participation in sports, once the realm of the elite. For four years, sport represented a welcome respite from the killing fields of Europe.
TARGET OF OPPORTUNITY:In 1995, Dustin Turner and his best friend Billy Joe Brown were in the final weeks of 15 months of training to become U.S. Navy SEALs. On the night of June 18, they went to a nightclub to celebrate and met a young woman named Jennifer Evans. They were the last two people to see her alive. Through eye witness reports, evidence and testimony, the truth begins to emerge, or does it? First time filmmaker and former US Navy Chief JD Leete turns his attention to this front page news and comes up with startling discrepancies, judicial oversights and shocking consequences which have changed these two young men’s lives forever.
Inspired by a 1970's science fiction novel entitled ALTERNATIVE 3, one man, armed with nothing but a camera and an open mind, sets forth on a journey to reveal the truth behind what may well be one of the most startling secrets: An elite group is said to be secretly building an exclusive off-world survival colony on planet Mars. Credible individuals have begun to emerge claiming to have been actual Mars recruits including the great granddaughter of a historically significant American president.
A year of penguin behavior in the icy waters and volcanic islands of the Antarctic Ocean. Includes Chinstrap, Macaroni, Adele, Gentoo, King and Emperor penguins.
The environmental problems caused by fracking in America have been well publicized but what's less known are the gas industry's plans for expansion in other countries. This investigation, filmed in Botswana, South Africa and North America, reveals how gas companies are quietly invading some of the most protected places on the planet.
LIVING WATERS: Intelligent Design in the Oceans of the Earth is a fascinating exploration of life in the liquid universe that covers more than 70% of our planet. Filmed in Canada, Bermuda, Polynesia, Mexico, and the United States, this remarkable documentary celebrates the beauty and brilliance of the biological systems that make life in the oceans possible. A spectacular tour of a dolphin’s internal sonar system—a mechanism so powerful and precise, the animals can locate and capture small fish buried in the sand. The magnetic compass embedded in the head of a sea turtle—a biological wonder that guides these long-distance travelers as they journey across thousands of miles of open sea. A Pacific salmon’s amazing sense of smell—an elaborate navigational aid that leads the fish back from years in the ocean to the gravel stream bed where it was born. The power and majestic grace of a humpback whale—a creature whose existence defies the theory of Darwinian evolution.
The work of the Flemish choreographer Ann van den Broek is very personal. Her intense choreography is dedicated to her own extreme experiences and emotions. Her approach will spare nothing and nobody. She expects unconditional commitment from herself, but also from her dancers. As a result, we get to witness innovative and highly successful dance performances, but also a complicated hate-love relationship with the people around her. In The Lady in Black, director Lisa Boerstra (L.A. Raeven) shows us the extent to which Ann is interwoven with the choreographies, bringing the artist’s life and work together in a new experience.