Does privacy still exist in 2019? In less than a generation, the internet has become a mass surveillance machine based on one simple mindset: If it's free, you're the product. Our information is captured, stored and made accessible to corporations and governments across the world. To the hacker community, Big Brother is real and only a technological battle can defeat him.
Two extreme sports athletes enter a contest in the hopes of winning the cash prize. They soon learn that the “game” is a dangerous cross between an evil reality show and a frightening ritual that will push them beyond the limits of extreme.
Creative essay doc inspired by Lewis Hyde's classic bestseller The Gift. Chronicling gift-based cultures around the world and challenging the logic of global capitalism, the film inspires the question: is life about getting or giving?
Several billion tons of earth are moved annually by humans - with shovels, excavators or dynamite. Nikolaus Geyrhalter observes people in mines, quarries, large construction sites in a constant struggle to appropriate the planet.
There are approximately 60 million evangelicals in the United States. They represent by far the largest religious group and should not be underestimated politically as voters. They take the Bible literally and believe that God created the world in six days, that the world only existed for 6,000 years, and they dismiss scientific knowledge as lies. They fear Muslims and atheists, homosexuality and permissive life. Alcohol, abortion and sex before marriage are taboo. In large parts of the United States, secularism, the separation of church and state, are being removed more and more. The filmmakers of the documentary give a frightening insight into a strange world and show a supposedly modern country, in which large parts of the population have a level of intellectual development as in the Middle Ages and are as reactionary in their worldview as in Islamist theocracies.
For millions worldwide, the Rose Parade is an iconic New Year’s Day tradition. Members of the Burbank Tournament of Roses Association, a self-funded, all-volunteer organization, compete in the world-famous Pasadena Tournament of Roses.
Offside captures the commitment, passion and comradery of a female Polish football team during their gruelling, but critical pre-season training as their coach, sets the foundation for the new season ahead by pushing them to new limits.
At the downbeat of the new millennium there was no bigger, darker, or more deeply influential hard rock band in the world than KoRn. But for lead guitarist Brian Head Welch, a dream come true was giving way to a raging nightmare of self-loathing and addiction. At the end of himself, he made an even harder decision than leaving KoRn. Told with intimate access to the family and band, this genre-bending documentary delivers unprecedented access to one of rock's most unbelievable stories of restoration.
"Has anyone ever considered that we're not machines, that we have a soul that can't be destroyed?" Jacqui Zwiren asks her sister Nicole who's filming a documentary about her. Shortly after filming, Jacqui's life was cut short at age 31.
Oxycontin. Codeine. Fentanyl. All prescription drugs to which countless patients have become addicted. As America battles an opioid crisis that sees 170 citizens die everyday, lawyers and prosecutors are trying to bring an end to Big Pharma's impunity. How did it happen? And how can we hold those responsible to account?
Travel to the underwater lands of ice and corals to discover the birth of a movement to protect the sea. Through the eyes of a prince, a president, a pirate and even an island chief, see how a bountiful underwater paradise can thrive once more; paradise it is more than just a dream.
An Iraqi journalist joins an army of uneasy allies and unforgettable characters in the epic battle to liberate the city of Mosul from the Islamic State.
Ever since there’s only one male northern white rhino remaining on earth, armed bodyguards protect him, tourists are standing in line to make a selfie with him, journalists rush to Kenya to tell his story and scientists are determined to find ways to reproduce his species. What is so attractive about the threat of extinction? How does this reflect on us?
The history of the Warsaw Ghetto (1940-43) as seen from both sides of the wall, its legacy and its memory: new light on a tragic era of division, destruction and mass murder thanks to the testimony of survivors and the discovery of a ten-minute film shot by Polish amateur filmmaker Alfons ZióÅ‚kowski in 1941.
In Germany’s big cities, members of families involved in crime live in a parallel world. Young men with well-kempt beards, bulging muscles and big cars let us into their homes and share their dreams. Gangsta rap and a different kind of integration. Better than any fiction.
Hotel Camarillo' is a documentary focusing on paranormal investigations over the past 10 years at former Camarillo State Mental Hospital. Using a decade of archival footage, EVP, ITC, and photos along with new interviews with the investigators, 'Hotel Camarillo' is the complete history of paranormal activity in the old abandoned buildings, some that no longer exist on the campus.