It’s a somewhat alternate near future... Puerto Rico is losing confidence in its political parties that for years took over loyal fanatics. The people elected with its eyes closed their first independent governor in the country’s history only to have his corrupted regime overthrown by rebels. The country has revolved. Added to this chaos is the fact that a mysterious virus, which has taken over our water supply from rivers and lakes, has infected a large portion of the citizens with symptoms like skin deterioration, extreme sensibility to sounds, and, in a matter of days, death.
Batman discovers a mysterious teen-aged girl with superhuman powers and a connection to Superman. When the girl comes to the attention of Darkseid, the evil overlord of Apokolips, events take a decidedly dangerous turn.
Eleven year old Tim plays fate and takes a flight to Scotland with his father Eric. They were happy there two years ago, shortly before his mother Anna died in a car accident. In Scotland, Tim combs through the Hartspring Castle and whose crypt. He finds a chart with Celtic characters, that refers to the true existence of the legendary Loch Ness monster.
A student, a goddess and a dog meet under quaint circumstances in a turned world. This miniature can be read as a metaphor about tunnel vision and the muse it takes to wake up!
The story of an honest Lincolnshire farmer, hit hard by the credit crunch, squeezed by a greedy supermarket and struggling to survive. All his fortunes lie in the farm's one remaining pig, and a rather dubious plan to cross it with an earthworm.
When a young girl is found amid the wreckage of an accident caused by an alien craft, Mariel (Alejandra Barros), head of a secretive task force investigating the paranormal, must solve the riddle of a frightening message the girl delivers which suggests humanity is on the verge of extermination by a hostile alien force.
Ayu and Malik, two siblings are going through their darkest moments of lives when their beloved mother just died. Malik feels so depressed believing that he was the main cause of his mother's death. During one of the evenings after a fight with his sister, Malik left to take a stroll in the forest. On and on he went until he realised he was lost and the next very moment, he appeared in another dimension called Magika.
Famed hero and adventurer Hank Danger leads an expedition to the Jungle Planet to retrieve a powerful energy source and winds up leading a revolution against the oppressive Robot Tribe and their evil Potentate Boltron.
When the future empress Wu Zetian's two courtiers die in a mysterious fire, she gets Di Renjie, a former detective and rebel, released from prison to solve the mystery of the fire.
Jacinto Medina, a 21 year old youth, is bored with his life as a shepherd in northern Mexico. He finds a keychain on the ground and, seeing it as a signal, undertakes a trip that will lead him to cross thousands of miles.
Two young wolves at opposite ends of their pack's social order are thrown together into a foreign land and need each other to return home, but love complicates everything.
Back from Iraq, Johnny Brown discovers that a new war is taking place in the streets of New York. In an attempt to get kids off the streets and instill the discipline he has learned in the Marine Corps, Brown launches a school for Mixed Martial Arts. But when a group of drug pushers try to use his school as a drug laundering business, an all out brawl occurs; pitting Brown against his childhood friend, who is now pursuing a life of crime.
When his son dies while hiking the famed Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route in the Pyrenees, Tom flies to France to claim the remains. Looking for insights into his estranged child’s life, he decides to complete the 500-mile mountain trek to Spain. Tom soon joins up with other travelers and realizes they’re all searching for something.