A multimedia animated short film about a man-fish or fish-man, we still aren't quite sure. Fishtopher, our titular new university student is confronted by a band looking for their lead singer to get them to join their new band, leading to a fallout with their overbearing mother.
Set in 80’s-Britain, when a group of rowdy teenagers trek into an isolated forest, they discover peaceful mushroom creatures that turn out to be an unexpected force of nature.
My thesis film from CalArts, which revolves around a romance between theme park co-workers whose mutual crushes put them in a constant push and pull of emotions.
Adaptation of the Aesop fable about a frog who is annoyed by the crazy antics of his fellow frogs, so he asks Zeus to send them a king to bring order to the pond.
In a surreal, industrial dystopia, a travelling salesman encounters a singing behemoth. This towering, two-headed monstrosity tempts him with a terrifying (but lucrative) proposition.
In Avispatropolis, the fearless Captain Avispa emerges as an exemplary protector of the city, whose courage and convictions always prevail over the forces of evil. His unbreakable power is nourished by absolute sincerity, as he would lose his strength if he dared to weave deceit. Only in pursuit of noble causes does he allow himself to deviate from the truth. As is common in stories of this kind, Captain Wasp is surrounded by a constellation of close friends and arch-enemies, whose stories have their origins in the artist's songs.
Inspired by the "Tijuana Bibles" of Mexico's golden age as a sexual paradise, this animated journey explores the choreographic possibilities of porn. Created frame by frame, the film dives into the body and the art of drawing to offer a provocative perspective on erotic expression.
In pursuit of her lifelong dream of becoming a writer, Yumi takes the bold step of quitting her job to focus on preparing for a novel contest. From the Schedule Cell meticulously planning her writing schedule to the Writer Cell tirelessly seeking inspiration and the Cheapskate Cell tightening the purse strings, every cell works diligently to support Yumi in her aspirations. Yet, as worries about the future begin to mount, Anxiety Cell looms larger, casting a shadow over Yumi’s determination. Even the Love Cell, once sweet and hopeful, turns bitter and skeptical as her relationship with Babi hits rough patches. With conflicts among the cells intensifying, the Cell Village finds itself confronting a crisis unlike any it has faced before…
Daydreaming of unlikely relationships, the flower, as delicate as it is revolutionary, represents an act of love in the midst of the suffocation and embrace of a classic Portuguese neighborhood.