Three ex-prisoners reconstruct their experiences of political re-education after being caught in the mass-internment of Uighurs and other predominantly Muslim minorities in Xinjiang, China's secret detention camps.
How a culture and community that believe in Shaman is being destroyed by mainstream religions. By using the panda allegory it is told with a magical realistic narrative.
Join a demon, a puppy and a rat in this stop-motion headtrip about a mysterious, magically summoned apple tree. With its innovative, intricate character design and intoxicatingly evocative, genuinely strange world, Oldboy’s Apples makes for tactile, ritualistic viewing – a rabbit hole of idolatry and the id.
In the midst of Melbourne's COVID-19 lockdown, Jamie finds reprieve from the monotony of isolation through their imagination, sensuality and some help from iconic onscreen queer characters.
Gabrielle, a 19 years old, finds herself stuck near Death Valley between two parents who no longer speak to each other. The three of them, feeling trapped, try to escape the tension, in a huge scenery that feels unchangeable. The situation seems impossible, until an unexpected event comes to unravel everything...
Despite being forbidden to do so by her community and her husband, Ayélé secretly sends her daughter, Mofiala, to study in the city. Years later, having become a doctor and researcher in bacteriology, the young woman returns to her village, struck by an unknown epidemic.
Mr. Good, unlike Little Miss Bad, is very, very good. But he lives in Badland, where he is misunderstood and miserable. Will he ever find somewhere he belongs?
Using a unique format of episodes and advertisements: GUNKWORLD is a short film about a horror cult cartoon series on TV where the main characters: Gunkman, Sallysweets and Roboji, are cute monster schoolchildren who terrorize human characters. Outside the TV show, GUNKWORLD begins to advertise its brand through commercials and merchandise, which quickly gains popularity at an unholy rate. The entire planet eventually becomes crazed, all their thoughts replaced with messages from GUNKWORLD. Back in the TV show, Gunkman starts to miss his lines. Gunkman is up to something... As a film, GUNKWORLD overloads the viewer with loud, colorful and compressed visuals, audio, stories and designs, playing with ideas of hypnotic subconscious consumption. It paints a vibrant yet ugly picture of needless ‘over-consumption’ and loss of control. GUNKWORLD is also a love letter to Japanese media, seen from the eyes of a child growing up in Singapore during the 90s.
A rooster, Lawson, comes home after a hard day at work and finds that his wife has been beheaded. However, she is still moving and behaving as she usually would. Shocked at this horrific new appearance of his wife, he is unsure how to handle the situation, threatening both their love and relationship.