Basuki (22) is a fresh graduate with a Javanese accent from Semarang who has migrated to the metropolitan city. Through online video conversation, he tries to improve his Indonesian Language for a job interview.
One morning Maxi tries to commit suicide in a meadow and a peculiar, magical and bizarre man rescues him, causing a deep break in him. After a unique interaction and fantastic revelation, Maxi understands his desire to continue fighting to get out of the limbo in which he finds himself.
Lise Dion makes people laugh, with her authenticity, her generosity and her self-deprecation, and returns for a fourth time on stage, tackling anecdotes and adventures of daily life with which we can easily identify.
After the loss of his mother, a boy uses his imagination to escape reality, creating and playing characters. As a result, despite their grief, his family needs to do everything they can to deal with the boy's fantasies.
Film-lover Curtis, 22, leaves his home in the Midwest USA for the first time, arriving in Paris with a single goal in mind: meet his favorite filmmaker, Pierre Bertrand, a once-great cineaste. What follows is a scavenger hunt through Paris that brings unexpected treasure.
A modest teacher of ancient literature, Andrey, accidentally witnesses a bank robbery. This is how he meets Sergey, who introduces himself as the head of the security service. The sudden friendship of two opposites will trigger a whole series of sudden, tragicomic and strange events, thanks to which Andrey will learn much more about himself and get acquainted with his dark self.
The Momonsters are spending their first vacation in a campsite in the middle of the forest! Exploring the nature, doing outdoor activities, telling stories around a campfire… Any child’s dream vacation. However, over their first night there, they find the diary of a previous camper stating that there’s a treasure hidden in the woods. “Super cool!” but it’s guarded by a scary ghost. “Not so cool…”
A mix up over a purchase leaves amateur jeweler, Melissa being enlisted by the CEO of the biggest jewelry company in Miami to help create a bridal line with the CEO’s too-serious son Jake. Reluctantly, Melissa and Jake partner up, but their journey together leads to more than just working together. Love blossoms but will it continue once Melissa is given back the heirloom she mistakenly gave away?
When a fiercely independent pastry chef cautiously agrees to the big step of accompanying her hunky dream man home for the holidays, things quickly devolve as he reverts into a momma’s boy and she finds herself caught in a tug-of-war with his smothering mother.