Seeking to explore his newfound power to perceive beyond the strictures of time, Cambodian migrant Jit travels to Phimai, Thailand, believed to be the site of the epic conflict between prince Prajit, his beloved Orapim and Phommathat the King. In this temple town, Jit meets Pim and Tat, a young couple drifting apart, and together, the trio find themselves reprising the love triangle of legend.
A nuclear bomb is detonated in Los Angeles, and the nation devolves into unprecedented chaos. Ex-Green Beret Jeff Eriksson and his family escape to The Homestead, an eccentric prepper’s fortress nestled in the mountains. As violent threats and apocalyptic conditions creep toward their borders, the residents of The Homestead are left to wonder: how long can a group of people resist both the dangers of human nature and the bloodshed at their doorstep?
Hamdan plays the role of a student and falls in love with Hanum. Then Hanum died without Hamdan knowing, when Hamdan returned to the hut he had hallucinations of meeting Hanum as a result of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which he experienced during an accident and the loss of his best friend, so Hamdan had to fight a big battle with his inner self.
Frankenstein’s secrets did not die with him. As graves are torn up and patience disappear from asylum, William Browning sets out to find who stole his father’s body - and finds horrors close to home as his mother descends into madness.
Stuck in their classroom during a school shooting, a group of high school students and a substitute teacher fight to keep their composure. As chaos erupts around them and they race against the clock, they're forced to make life or death decisions.
After getting into a heated argument with her dad Hossein, Zahra stumbles upon immigration documents of his journey to Australia as a refugee. By reading these files and uncovering her father’s truth, Zahra is able to travel back in time and make peace with Hossein - understanding the past to make sense of the future.
Convinced that his beloved Gio left him for money, Ace’s life spirals downward as he drowns his sorrows in a drinking binge. Hopefully, a plan devised by Ace’s sister, Malou, can reignite their spark while keeping their meddling family at bay.
After Burindh, a Thammasat university student has escaped from the 6th October massacre by jumping into the Chao Phraya river, he becomes a goby fish with golden skin, and voyages through the memories of his own.
A young woman is diagnosed with a broken heart by her doctor. With the news that she has been dumped by her boyfriend, she must come to terms with her diagnosis and endure the symptoms in order to recover.