Driving recklessly away from a nightmarish encounter, a young man deeply rooted in his own self loathing loses his grip on reality and is confronted by his childhood demon.
A verbose high school student confronts his slacker teacher, conspiracy-poisoned father and mediocre classmates. After alienating everyone in real life, the increasingly lonely hero moves on to heated discussions on the online forums.
An aspiring young actress trying to break into the film industry crosses paths with a miserable arthouse filmmaker to produce a film which manages to challenge both of their resolve to survive in the film industry.
A candy taster with insomnia attempts to liberate her sexual impulses through a trip to her inner world. Her lost childhood exposed, she becomes the target of a subsistence-based cult whose goal is the irruption of intimacy.
A lower-level fisherman is waiting for the birth of his wife's child after both of them have been through prolonged anxiety. They believe the myths about the stolen turtle eggs are able to maintain the wife's pregnancy. But they will be faced with regulation of turtle conservation and climate change in their area.
A famed Hollywood actress from Lebanon walks viewers through the pivotal steps she took to achieve international success in her career, until she is forcefully disrupted by the unexpected.