The story of an employee who hears a mistake about his promotion and transfer to a beach city, and decides to go there in advance to see the city closely, so he lives many adventures on the journey with his wife.
From extreme speed to bone crushing bites, big cats are some of the most impressive predators on the planet. Each of them is an incredible animal, with its own unique and special set of skills. In Big Cat Games, we will challenge ferocious felines against each other in a series of trials that will determine once and for all who is king of the cats. In the wild they are confident, dominant, and fearless—but they have never had to face anything like this before. Lions, cheetahs and tigers will be pushed to the limits of their natural athletic abilities
Elias, 10, is afraid of losing his mother who at times disappears from his life due to her fluctuating mental illness. Missing her desperately, Elias tries to hold on to the magical fantasy world that the two of them share together.
While Jelena, a young immigrant, looks for a a better future in Canada, her mother Rada looks for a dog that she has lost in the streets of Belgrade. Although Rada would would like to see her daughter again soon, she hides the truth because she knows that Jelena would come back to find the dog.
Farmer Brown does not like Halloween. So he draws the shades, puts on his footy pajamas, and climbs into bed. But do you think the barnyard animals have any respect for a man in footy pajamas? No, they do not. For them, the Halloween party has just begun. And we all know these critters far prefer tricks over treats. There are big surprises in store for Farmer Brown!
Once upon a time, there were three hungry Dinosaurs: Papa Dinosaur, Mama Dinosaur...and a Dinosaur who happened to be visiting from Norway. One day - for no particular reason - they decided to tidy up their house, make the beds, and prepare pudding of varying temperatures. And then - for no particular reason - they decided to go...someplace else. They are definitely not setting a trap for some succulent, unsupervised little girl.
Only one woman had the unique privilege to call Jesus her son. Mary was blessed to be the mother of the Savior sent by God to rescue the world from death. Watch as Mary experiences the miracle of Jesus' coming and humbly grows in her understanding that her son is also her Savior. The good news is that Jesus is your Savior too.
A 10-year-old boy sets off on a long-promised adventure with his father to discover Europe's biggest dam. But as they progress, harbored feelings surface and their relationship is put to a test. The dam they eventually face is not the one initially dreamed of.
An overextended teacher bumps into a troubled student while at the mall with her mom. An adaptation of Stacey Richter's Pushcart Prize winning short story.
When Monica's pet horse, Champion, breaks horse tradition and reveals to Monica that horses can talk, Monica learns that horses aren't too different from humans after all! Monica helps Champion figure out what kind of horse he wants to be when he grows up, while ultimately discovering her own path as well.
Four tales about unfaithfulness.
The story takes, almost completely, the form of theatre and rations the action in four acts perfectly divided one from the other, which build an effective reflection about unfaithfulness. However, as it is usual in Jaime Humberto Hermosillo’s cinema, where on many times the sexual tension defines the characters’ psyche who become more complex and multidimensional, the approach is not subject to the moral margins, already outworn by the melodrama.