Hagen von Tronje, the Burgundian master-at-arms, holds his troubled kingdom together while hiding his dark past. The arrival of the unpredictable dragon slayer Siegfried threatens to upend the old order. As King Gunter seeks Siegfried's help to win the fierce Valkyrie Brunhild, Hagen faces a tragic choice between loyalty to the king and his own identity.
For tenacious 11-year-old Robin and her loyal band of friends 'The Hoods', the patch of overgrown scrubland at the end of their cul-de-sac is a magical kingdom.
A young man named Tom receives a risky message from his friend Ravi. A curse. Tom needs to forward the message to ten people otherwise the curse will be released and he will be at risk.
Samentha is a mediator for the spirits haunting her apartment. One morning, she has to confront repairman Christophe, who apparently caused grievous harm in the past but denies all accusations.
Toy is trapped in a time loop, reliving New Year's Eve. He meets Vee, also stuck in the loop. They decide to search for 'Perfect Moments,' learning to find joy in small wonders and cherish each day.
On a scorching summer day, an old rusty fan is betrayed by its owner, sparking a tale of jealousy and revenge that demands justice for an unforgivable crime.
When nightclub singer Poppy is confronted by a black-eyed man she is filled with fear. The event triggers a buried trauma that she must overcome in a caleidoscopic world of glitter, music and blood.
Andrea is living one of her recurring dreams, a dreamlike voice invites her to come in. The dream turns into a nightmare when she enters and finds that a cult has taken over the church.
Rocco, a high-strung shift leader at a restaurant, faces an existential crisis when her demonic double shows up and orders a spicy Chinese dish. As the night unfolds, she is forced to confront kitchen chaos, her inner darkness and her mom.