With his mafia wise guy links and access to entertainment industry star power, Frank Sinatra helps John F. Kennedy into the White House in 1960, but it all comes to a bitter end.
Professor Alice Roberts uncovers the science being used by computer scientist Professor Brent Seales as he utilises cutting-edge technology to read hundreds of carbonised scrolls that were buried in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 AD.
Explores the development of methods that allowed the architects of ancient Egypt to build Karnak, the most intriguing and significant temple of all ancient Egypt.
Examines the only unsolved air piracy case in history; in 1971, a man hijacks a Northwest Orient Airlines flight, demanding four parachutes and $200,000; he jumps out of the plane with the money and is never seen again.
How a small group of faithful, determined settlers carved the city of St. George out of an arid desert wilderness, and then tackled the additional challenge of building the first LDS temple in the western United States.
A 9 year old child was forced to leave his parents to defend Indonesia's independence. Every day he always hoped that his parents would come home, but that didn't happen.
At the archaeological site of La Roche-Cotard in Touraine, researchers have uncovered astonishing engravings. The rock drawings, which are over 60,000 years old, date from a time when only Neanderthals lived in what is now French territory. This would make them the oldest cave paintings in Europe!
"A Haunted Home" returns to one of the bloodiest and most forgotten events in the annals of the State of Israel: the massacre that took place on April 11, 1974 at 15 Yehuda Halevi Street in Kiryat Shmona, in which 16 of the residents of the building were murdered by a terrorist squad. Through interviews with the survivors and family members of the murdered, alongside archival materials never before shown, the historical, political and cultural contexts of the massacre are woven together.
Written, performed, and edited with AI. From alchemy and astrology to magick and tarot, join us on a journey into the hidden history of occult knowledge throughout the centuries.
The objects found inside the house seemed of little historical importance - two diaries. But taken together, they form a fantastical little story… and so a filmmaker finds herself caught between fiction and memory, believing in impossibilities.
Following Kristallnacht in 1938, Ulrich Ollendorff’s family flees Berlin as to avoid the horrific destiny shared by six and a half million Jews who were killed in the Holocaust. Within only a few years, he becomes one of the most well respected and famous ophthalmologists in New York City.