On the banks of the Lake Neusiedl lies the small village of Fraelick. Frogs and toads live side by side, surrounded by the rustling of reeds and the gentle waves of the water. Every species knows the rules without being governed, and harmony finds a perfect balance. But then passion comes along. The balance ends, and the story begins. Toadette- a toad, Prince Ribit- a frog... These two star-crossed lovers must overcome a series of misfortunes to find their place together for eternity.
The internationally renowned bassist, singer and composer Avishai Cohen performs in an exclusive concert from the Maillon theatre in Strasbourg. Accompanied by drummer Roni Kaspi and pianist Elchin Shirinov, the jazzman presents his forthcoming album Shifting Sands.
The subject of the film is the cultural phenomenon of Muškatle (Pelargoniums) music, which flourished in 1986 and continued until 1991, originating from Vojvodina. Archival footage and narration from musicians, professionals and fans of the genre reveal how Hungary's fun style of folk music was transformed into a form of muscat and, despite cultural resistance, why the trend is still so popular today.
Croatia Records, as the publishing house that published the largest number of new wave releases, is celebrating 40 years of new wave this year. The anniversary is accompanied by many interesting releases and reissues, and the focus is on four vinyls, pearls of the new wave: the first albums of Električni orgazam and Haustor, the only album of Šarlo akrobata and the "Paket aranžman" compilation, which was responsible for the flourishing of the new wave in the former Yugoslavia. In cooperation with CMC television, a documentary film was filmed with a large number of relevant interlocutors, about one of the most brilliant musical periods in the history of the region.
Donnerstag was the first completed work of the gigantic seven-opera cycle Licht by German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen. Composed over a span of 25 years and lasting nearly 30 hours in total, the cycle offers up a wide-ranging, experimental take on theology, time, and the nature of the universe. In Donnerstag, the protagonist Michael comes to life in three different guises, played by a singer, a dancer, and a trumpeter as he passes from an impoverished childhood to an artistically successful adulthood and, finally, to the celestial realm as an archangel.
Wave-Breaker' is a choreography created by master of visual dancing Damien Jalet inspired by the movement of the waves, seen here as a metaphor of what passes through us, overwhelms us and eventually saves us.