Is she an agent, an angel, or a devil? Sent to fight the unimaginable before a ravaged Eiffel Tower, she must fight through the darkness to find the light.
Trapped on an island, a team of mercenaries on a rescue mission begin to question everything around them as they encounter threatening creatures living in the shadows.
When a young boy goes missing in the town of Hope, his grandfather must grapple with their family history and navigate mysterious phenomena as he sets out on a quest of conscience to save his grandson from the shadows.
Three young programmers come across an abandoned technology meant to detect supernatural presence. They reverse engineer the tech and create an app for their phones which allows them to see ghosts, thus endangering their own lives.
For over 10 years beginning in the 1980s, Frances Wright shot mysterious orbs of light darting about the open skies near her isolated cottage, located in the scenic Blue Mountains region outside Sydney. Now, for the first time, this film discloses some of her extraordinary super-8 footage from that period. But newly discovered digital footage – unearthed after she inexplicably vanished – raises a bigger question: do we believe what we see, or do we see what we believe?
A grandmother takes care of her wheelchair-bound husband, who is paralyzed from the neck down. The couple experiences a miracle when a brain implant device, called Vitality, restores the grandfather's motor functions. However, this new technology does more harm than good...
An Arthouse film made only using footage taken during a sunday trip to the cottage. Features a self composed soundtrack and avant garde visual flourishes.
Recently awoken from cryosleep, Daxon Waxillus III is a world renowned musician who has a bone to pick with the artistic direction his producer has taken his new album in.
Adapted from the Instagram webcomic of the same name, this crime noir/sci-fi horror written and animated by reagle, depicts the famous Detective Jacqueline interrogating a suspected serial child kidnapper, Mathilda Uzodinma, a 73 year old fruit seller which takes on a horrifyingly, disturbing twist.
An experienced police officer is tasked to go to a town overrun with a gay meth cartel. While there he discovers vampires, The Storm, and everything else that's gone wrong since Michael Jackson died.
At the dawn of humanity, man declared himself the center of the cosmos. As much as this historical science fiction is about one man's megalomania, it expands its focus to include the hubris of the entire species whose excess threatens planetary existence as we know it. From whose perspective, however? Are the so-called sky-gazing crackpots on the money all along?
Biliminal immerses the audience in a universe of constant tension – between meditative lullabies and chaotic explosions. The work explores the metamorphosis of sound and visual materials inspired by reality, using algorithmic transformation systems to create new audiovisual landscapes whose various elements, at the limit of the perceptible, evoke an ethereal form of their original state.
Bored with traditional paintings or sculptures, the rich buy and sell preserved bodies for their art collections. When a striking body goes up for auction, his widow must navigate the characters of high society to reclaim her husband's remains.
Recovering from a recent break-up, Harrison's life changes forever when he contacts the mysterious Maid Droid agency and he meets Mako, a beautiful android who serves his every wish. However, soon Mako starts to learn human emotions and memories from her past surface, leading her to act out in dangerous ways.
Set in Himachal Pradesh, when two murders happen in the valley, Anthony comes to the scene to investigate the killings and another team of police officials led by Senthil IPS also arrives there. Ex-military Dr. Alan is in a quest to save his infected daughter Jaani and unravels a deadly virus outbreak with officer Anthony.