Deep in the Mojave desert, under a scorching blood-red sun, four travelers have set up camp to make art. One fateful night, the group is thrust into a feverish tornado of flayed flesh and mind-boggling monstrosities, the likes of which mere humans simply cannot fathom.
A blind ballet dancer stalked by Tommy, a dissociative identity disorder street artist. A surreal image of Tommy descending the lonely path of the seeker off the truth, his suit made bespoke. A blind ballet dancer, both on Wolfman Radio. They say there is a permanent and a temporary personality within a being. A twisting walkabout in the worlds of separateness where the lamp becomes the Wolf.
Monroe, an author, is trapped by their creation, Avery, in an anonymous basement. Avery attempts to extract further details of his existence from them and films the encounter, yet the prospect of having their thoughts exposed terrifies Monroe. This nightmare ends the only way it can: in violent confrontation.
Twenty three year old virtuoso pianist Jennifer Rogiers has been living with a terrible secret most of her life. When she enters the world famous Queen Elisabeth competition the memory of a traumatic childhood experience surfaces again.
In the aftermath of Earth’s nuclear destruction, scientist Jack Van Helsing - descendant of famed vampire hunter, Dr. Van Helsing - joins forces with a team of astronaut survivors. But, when their camp is ambushed by the rogue war machine, Xterminator, Van Helsing again finds himself lost in space. With no planet to call home, the whole universe is the arena for mankind’s wildest battle for survival!
Set in 1952, this musical thriller is what happens when a traveling salesman shows up on the doorstep of a dying old man and can't contain the song within his heart. A dark riff on a classic musical.
Rachel is a promising young woman getting over a recent breakup while her friend signs her up for a dating app unbeknownst to her. She is presented three blind dates to choose from. Little does she know, one of them is a serial killer.
Dalton returns to Rancho Palos Verdes, CA after hiding out for a year due to his father Match-Stick's death. Match-Stick was hunted down and killed by the Triad leader Mr. Tang. Dalton suffers with PTSD from being a Navy Seal Veteran in the "War On Terror" and he tries to come up with coping mechanisms to deal with his PTSD. Dalton finds out he has a half brother out of wedlock who takes over the Hollywood Mob. DEA Agent Prasad recruits Dalton to go undercover into the Lunada Bay surfing gang to find out who's supplying the drug Galaxy. There's plenty of action and family drama.
Hungary’s best chef pushes her cooks to the brink of insanity. Dani has been working relentlessly for many years, and sacrificed everything for recognition… to no avail. In his final desperation, he makes an alliance with a senior colleague and prepares for something radical. Frustration, beetroot purée and terror - SATAN is a high-voltage tale about the price of extreme ambition.
Since witnessing the death of his wife in a shipwreck, Zhang Yang, who has spent half of his life at sea, vowed never to set foot in the ocean again. However, on his daughter's 12th birthday, Zhang Yang, who could not resist his best friend's persuasion to fulfil his daughter's wish, broke his vow and participated in a sea smuggling and embarked on an ocean liner that was no different from a steel prison. At the same time, a horrible accident happened, a deep sea monster that has never been seen before has escaped from the ship's laboratory. With the genes of the natural predator, the human on board launched a merciless hunt, will all be put to the test of survival. (Source: iQiyi)
Marie is an executive in an airport. During a rafting trip, she meets Maxime, a parachuting and wingsuit enthusiast. However, she is unaware that Maxime and his gang are looting airport cash-in-transit vehicles and planning a robbery. To ensure Marie's silence, Sofia - leader of the gang - sabotages her parachute during an initiation. Marie falls 2,000 meters but miraculously survives. A year later, handicapped, she took refuge in her parents' house in Gap, her hometown. Until the day Marie meets Sofia, who thinks she is dead and does not recognize her. Marie decides to take revenge by luring them into a new robbery. But Luc Ferraz, a BRI officer looking for the source of the gang's information, is not to be trusted. Marie has the ideal profile. So Luc pretends to be an assistant to her in order to trace the robbers.
A group of university students planned a special graduation trip, ready to embark on a tense and exciting adventure, but by mistake, they enter a forbidden island inhabited by giant beasts.
A college dropout unwittingly puts her own life at stake when she investigates a series of strange and terrifying events at her aunt's secluded ranch house.
Yaroslav Oktiabrev is a simple guy who works as a freelancer. But then fate presents him with a gift — it is necessary to consult online a former military man with the call sign "Brother", so that he takes old documents from an abandoned building, and you can forget about money problems in life. However, the military turns out to be an uncontrollable schizophrenic, and only a former colleague, crazy blogger Gennady Gorin, knows how to settle him down. On top of that, the customer begins to threaten Yaroslav with violence if he does not have time to do everything in a couple of hours. A seemingly trivial task suddenly turns into a real disaster, because of which the Person is already at risk of losing not only his job, but also his own life.
The decades spanning story of two very different policemen who rise to power in Hong Kong during British rule, and end up at odds with both organised crime groups and the anti-corruption unit vowing to bring them down.