WWII. Zyga, one of the Resistance soldiers in Kraków is arrested by Gestapo. Soon later the Germans make a number of other arrests and Zyga is accused of being an informer.
When the forces of the German occupation undertake a series of serious defeats in the Resistance, suspicions arise of being a traitor among the fighters. A girl who works within the Resistance finds in horror that the traitor is none other than her father.
A young man spends his last three nights with his lover before his army regiment is ordered to war. When he deserts his unit to return to her side, he discovers the woman he loves is gone, and he is interrogated by the police when he learns his lover is a communist agent. The two finally are reunited at the police station where the embarrassed man denies ever knowing the accused woman.
Set near the end of World War II in the Netherlands, Dirty Heroes concerns a group of ex-convicts recruited into the U.S. Army to recover Dutch jewels originally stolen by the Nazis as well as confiscated Allied plans
During the Great Patriotic War, battalion commander Pavel Akimov fell in love with the military translator Anechka Belozerova, but the circumstances of military life separated them.
In this WWII drama, Russian soldiers take a break at a scenic farm in Poland, and the unit is able to escape the horrors of war during their brief respite. A Polish farm girl and a Russian officer feel a mutual and unspoken attraction towards each other.
Based on historical events, the film tells the story of Operation Anthropoid which led to the assassination of the German SS leader Heydrich in Prague by Czech rebels led by Josef Gabcik and Jan Kubis.
Westerplatte is a small peninsula at the entry to the GdaĆsk Harbour. Before World War II, it functioned as a Polish ammunition depot in the Free City of Danzig. Its crew consisted of one infantry company and a group of civilians, 182 people in total. It was the only Polish guard-post at the mouth of the Vistula River, with as little as five sentries, one field cannon, two anti-armour guns and four mortars. The first shots of World War II were fired there. This film tells the story of Westerplatte's courageous defenders.
Confederate super-spy Johnny and his partner in crime Steve travel to San Francisco near the end of the Civil War, masquerading, respectively, as a singer/guitar instructor and a magic-elixir vendor. Once there, Johnny dons a fake wig, beard and mustache, and steals Union gold to bring back to the South, aided by a guitar that doubles as a gun.
In one of the occupied European cities, the commandant of the garrison gathers a troupe of circus performers. Coming from different countries, they are in the humiliating position of people forced to serve their enslavers. Many of them, recruited from camps and workhouses, were quite content with their lot. Only after a chain of subsequent events, the artists raise an uprising. Unarmed people are not able to resist the arrived guards. They die, but at the cost of their lives they regain their lost human dignity.
About hardships of the first years of War, which fell to the lot of ordinary people in Ukraine, who got under the yoke of fascist occupation, and heroic struggle against the invaders. A young Russian woman asks a Red Army soldier to spend the night with her in the wake of the Nazi invasion. Fearing she may soon perish, the woman hopes for one night of romance before what could be a horrible demise.
Touching story about love of a young romantic man (Zhenia), who is a soldier of Guard Mortar Division (Division of "Katusha" Reactive Mortars) and a girl-telegraphist (Little Zhenia) at the last months of WW II.
While waiting for a train which will take them on their honeymoon, two newlyweds, Juan and Lázara, are separated by a federal army commander who is going around enlisting men to fight against the revolutionaries. Traveling with the troops, Lázara follows Juan until he dies in a battle against the Villistas. From that moment on, the young woman's fate will be in the hands of whoever happens to win the latest contest, an uncertain fate for someone whose only wish is for a home of her own.
Following the detonation of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese military and the government clash over the demand from the Allies for unconditional surrender. Minister of the Army Anami leads the military officers who propose to fight on, even to the death of every Japanese citizen. Emperor Hirohito, however, joins with his ministers in asking the unthinkable, the peaceful surrender of Japan. When the military plots a coup to overthrow the Emperor's civilian government, Anami must face the choice between his desires and loyalty to his Emperor.
American troops storm ashore on a Japanese-held island and push inland while their enemies plan a counterattack in this look at warfare. Soldiers on both sides are haunted by memories of home and the horrifying, sickening images they find in combat.
During the Civil War, Confederate soldiers escape from a Union prison and head for the Mexican border. Along the way, they kill a Union courier bearing the news that the war is over. Keeping the message a secret, the captain has his men go on and they soon find themselves in a battle with the Union search party who also is unaware of the war's end.