“It’s a story, adapted from the homonymous drama, that the new Forth Army struggles with the branch of Jiangsu-Shandong-Anhui of Kuomindang for Anti-Japanese, solidification and against surrender, abruption during the way going east.It reflects the complicate situation during the Anti-Japanese War andthe victory of the Anti-Japanese unibus policies of the CCP Center and Chairman Mao.” From the English Red Movie blurb
A tragicomic tale of lumberjack who joined the partisans during WW2. As a corporal, he successfully and courageously fulfilled the combat tasks with his partisan battalion. The commander sends him on a special assignment.
In 1894 the Japanese Imperial Navy provokes the Chinese navy to test defenses. Some Chinese want to make concessions while others want to fight. When Japan invades, some naval officers put up a heroic resistance.
A deaf and mute little boy wanders away from home in the aftermath of the battle of Chickamauga, one of the bloodiest conflagrations of the American Civil War.
In this child's game, a live-action boy and girl draw characters and compete who is better. The girl draws a flower and the boy draws a car that runs it over. Then a drawn lion chases a drawn girl, until it all becomes frightfully serious.
A brief summary on Comumunism, its origins with Marx, passing through two world wars which leads all the way to the Berlin Wall. Oscar nominated documentary narrated by James Cagney.
A group of very different men are summoned for their refresher training at Haglemoen military camp. One more strange than the other, we get to meet jovial salesman Goggen Rask, car mechanic Bottolph Johansen, nicknamed daydreamer, and ship-owner Rieber Larsen Jr. They form an unruly faction which Major Kampstrup struggles to maintain structured and prepared, not to mention keeping them inside the camp premises before they pretend sick to see the nurses Bitten and Florence. The men do their best to get through their rigourous training, with great confusion and comical situations.
A cinematographic account of the reprisal ordered by the ruthless Austrian colonel Kappler in 1944 in Rome. In Via Rasella (Rasella Street) ten Italian civilians were sentenced to death for each German soldier killed in a partisan attempt.
Part 1 ended with Jianbai and Su Yanan among the students fleeing the invading Japanese. Part 2 follows the efforts of all four characters to participate in the war effort. Su Yanan joins the army and fights. Jianbai enlists to be near her. A-Lan becomes a nurse at a battlefront hospital and Qiuming entertains the troops. (Grace Chang, Cathay's leading musical star at the time, performs some rousing patriotic numbers in these scenes.) Jianbai is reunited with Su in the battlefield, but...
Ira Hayes, a young Pima Indian, enlists in the Marine Corps. At boot camp, he is shunned and mocked by everyone, aside from a Marine named Sorenson, who he befriends. They happen to be two of the six marines captured in the famous photograph of Marines raising the U.S. flag on Suribachi during the battle of Iwo Jima, but Sorenson is killed soon after. Although he is hailed as a hero, Ira's life begins to spiral out of control after the war.
Three years after the fascist occupation, a group of children create the anti-fascist organization called "Debatik". Coli, an orphan boy, manages to become a member.
A southerner in the American Civil War is about to be hanged from a bridge for sabotage when the noose suddenly breaks. After he plunges into the water below, he must find a way to free himself, evade enemy forces and flee to safety.