On Christmas night, Santa Claus makes his round as usual. But this night, he has to face an unusual household,one that does not seem to be waiting for any gifts.
Eight-year old Bibi is chosen to represent her clan in a tournament for Viking warriors. When she eats a lollipop she is able to see the world as candy and she uses her power to make it through the challenges. But will she be able to defeat the terrible Arfur, chief of the Bear clan?
Every night, Solen tells a fantastic story in which she’s the main character to her little sister Luna. However, Luna is far from suspecting that these stories hide a great secret.
Dinosaurs and humans evolve and live together throughout history. However, the annoying and invasive behavior of humans begins to annoy Rex, a peaceful dinosaur.
Wachiwi and her little brother Peopeo live alone inside a fenced garden. While Peopeo dreams of novelty, Wachiwi determines the boundaries that should ensure their protection.
Gus Patatax runs a chip shop in space. In front of him is a huge Fast Food. Gus must satisfy his only client, the competitor opposite. The latter wants to humiliate Patatax and disrupts the gravity machine of the fries stand; it forces Patatax to cook in "zero G".
In a post-apocalyptic city, Vika and Sasha, two siblings with a lost past, embark on a dangerous mission into Zona, where nature, destruction, and deadly anomalies overcame civilization. But nothing goes as planned…
In 1930, Suzanne, a 7-year-old girl, had the gift of projecting her memories through her eyes. Helped by her grandfather Lucien, she tries to master it.
A team sent by the government is here to protect humanity from tornadoes. Bruce, Walter and Barrett are part of the Anti Tornado Squad and are ready to deal with that one-of-a-kind mission.
Sent on a mission by the England Spy Master Agency, Agent Selfish must stop the infamous Igor and his army of waterproof tigers! What Agent Selfish uncovers in Igor's secret base is far more absurd than he had prepared for...
In 1972, two Russian cosmonauts are on a mission to the Moon to bring back Helium 3. One of them makes an extraordinary discovery and is forced to make a choice while solar winds are heading towards him.
She talks about her and her husband’s longing for a child, their joy when she became pregnant, and the immense sadness when after 20 weeks it turned out that their unborn child had serious physical abnormalities. She also talks about the almost inhumanely obstructive attitudes she faced in the Texas health care system when making what was already such a difficult decision. The title thus has a double meaning—it is about the actual choice that women make, as well as the freedom of choice that they are denied in far too many parts of the world.
The enchanted town hides many attractions at night, but not all of them are here to amuse the guests. So beware because once you plunge into madness, there will be no going back.
A rumination on the passive politics of whiteness. My character's own flippant attitude towards the mention of racial injustice is both a nod towards the ignorance of white youth and the begging of the question - if I had known, would I have cared beyond a shallow verbal support of the oppressed? A hard day at the pool and the call to dinner being my siren song - an invitation to wash my hands literally and figuratively - guilty thoughts running down the drain, making room for a never ending beach party summer.