There’s a madman loose in New York City. Late at night, he stalks the streets looking for straight white men to punish. When he finds them, he kills them in unspeakable ways.
In the heart of a city, the inhabitants of a tower wake up one morning to find that their building is shrouded in an opaque fog, obstructing doors and windows - a strange dark matter that devours anything that tries to pass through it. Trapped, the residents try to organize themselves, but to ensure their survival they gradually succumb to their most primitive instincts, until they sink into horror...
In the aftermath of Earth’s nuclear destruction, scientist Jack Van Helsing - descendant of famed vampire hunter, Dr. Van Helsing - joins forces with a team of astronaut survivors. But, when their camp is ambushed by the rogue war machine, Xterminator, Van Helsing again finds himself lost in space. With no planet to call home, the whole universe is the arena for mankind’s wildest battle for survival!
Set in 1952, this musical thriller is what happens when a traveling salesman shows up on the doorstep of a dying old man and can't contain the song within his heart. A dark riff on a classic musical.
Since witnessing the death of his wife in a shipwreck, Zhang Yang, who has spent half of his life at sea, vowed never to set foot in the ocean again. However, on his daughter's 12th birthday, Zhang Yang, who could not resist his best friend's persuasion to fulfil his daughter's wish, broke his vow and participated in a sea smuggling and embarked on an ocean liner that was no different from a steel prison. At the same time, a horrible accident happened, a deep sea monster that has never been seen before has escaped from the ship's laboratory. With the genes of the natural predator, the human on board launched a merciless hunt, will all be put to the test of survival. (Source: iQiyi)
A family moves back to a farm in the mother's hometown. One of the children is a clairvoyant and along with his sister they start to unravel secrets that have happened on the farm.
A teenage girl in Texas finds the object of her desire and will do whatever it takes to get it as she becomes the subject of a bloody Bayou City True Crime podcast.
Reveals the shocking haunting that took over Miami Aerospace Academy and its students. In 1979, all hell broke loose at the school when the student body seemed to fall victim to mass demonic possession. Forty years later, shocking revelations from former students shed light on the day the devil took over their school.
A conversation between a father (the poet) and his son (the illustrator) about imagination as the creator and, at the same time, transgressor of reality.